Gonzalo Guzmán. Dolmen_04 and his oneiric journeys

An onironaut who makes his dreams tangible. In a few words, this is how we could define Gonzalo Guzmán, the artist from Madrid who bases his sculptural work on the oneiric study of his dreams. Guzmán trained as an industrial designer and, since the pandemic, has dedicated his time to the art of sculpture. During that period of social isolation, Gonzalo Guzmán began to experience lucid dreams, a state of momentary disconnection between body and mind in which the subject is aware that he is living a dream and can therefore control it. Since then, his artistic project has been growing and exploring new horizons.

Dreams, his object of study

It is when he closes his eyes and dreams that Guzmán finds the meaning and inspiration for his works. In his dreams, the artist interacts with megalithic metallic structures that give him a very deep sense of peace. Menhirs and dolmens that, although they look like abstract bodies, are figurative pieces because they copy what the artist sees in his dreams. Guzmán chooses stainless steel because he seeks to emulate the metallic material with which he interacts in his dreamlike journeys. In addition, for practicality, this type of metal is resistant to the exterior, which is essential in order to be faithful to what he had previously dreamed. Stainless steel is the ideal material for his structures, as it offers him the necessary technical and visual properties to build his pieces.

Guzmán’s dream ritual

Gonzalo Guzmán, in an interview for Metal magazine, explains the mental process he carries out to connect with his dreams. He talks about the state of “duermevela”, a state of disconnection where the body remains asleep, but the mind remains awake. As bodily movements and sensations are cancelled out, they intensify in the head, and that is when the dream adventure begins. The trick, according to Guzmán, is to have a clear objective when dreaming. “[…] it is easier to experience these dreams if you have a goal, if during the day you are motivated by thinking about having a lucid dream, and you set yourself something you would like to accomplish within the dream.”

In Gonzalo Guzmán‘s case, his goal when dreaming is to better understand the meaning of these structures he sees in his dreams and to interact with them again. His ritual begins at four in the morning at the sound of his alarm. The artist half wakes up and does a series of exercises in that drowsy state that make it easier for him to begin to experience lucid dreaming when he goes back to sleep.

Exhibitions and participations

Gonzalo Guzmán has exhibited his pieces in different parts of the world such as Germany, Switzerland, Italy and the United Kingdom, among many other places. His most recent solo show is the exhibition “Colisión” (2023) at Galeria SENDA, framed within the Art Nou festival, an emerging art festival in Barcelona and Hospitalet de Llobregat that offers the possibility for young national and international artists to establish their first professional relationships in the art market, galleries, self-managed spaces and institutions dedicated to emerging art. The central piece of the exhibition and the one that attracted the most attention was an installation composed of the representation of a three-metre stainless steel stalactite that was suspended from the ceiling of the gallery on a reflective surface. The reflection of the stalactite on the surface generated the optical illusion that there was also a second stalactite about to touch the suspended one. The strength of the composition lies in the closeness of an impossible collision, hence the name of the exhibition.

In the context of art fairs, Guzmán has participated in a couple so far this year. Firstly, his dreamlike works made a visit to ARCO Madrid along with other artists from the gallery in a leading art scene. In addition, recently, his pieces were also exhibited at the SENDA stand at the Art Brussels fair. 

Dolmen_04 and its link with the Meeting of the Círculo de Economía

On the occasion of this year’s 39th Meeting of the Círculo de Economía, framed under the title “The world on trial. Strategies to boost productivity and well-being in times of change”, the work Dolmen_04 by Gonzalo Guzmán will have a special place at the Palau de Congressos de Catalunya. 

This structure shares a close link with the theme of the symposia at this meeting. We often need to go back to our origins to see how far we have come. Raimon wrote that he who loses his origins loses his identity. Perhaps what he meant in this verse is that those who have abandoned their history are not capable of understanding their present in all its grandeur, nor will they be able to face the challenges of the future in all their complexity.

Dolmen_04 takes us from the origins of humanity to the most rabid present in fractions of a second. In the blink of an eye. The dolmen is a quantum object, which seems to be in two different spaces at the same time: physically planted in this meeting space and, with its infinite reflection, in our deepest vision of ourselves. And it is quantum also because it occupies two different places in space/time. Art challenges, as much or more than physics, our perception of the universe and is able to make us perceive an object, like this Dolmen_04, in two very different moments in the history of mankind.

A sample of these first and rudimentary architectural constructions that man built can be seen here today transformed into a modern object, without losing its prehistoric symbolism. We find it here, in a place where the most mundane humans reflect on the present and the future, and its vision challenges us and announces to us where we come from, lest by having our feet on the ground we lose our origins and forget that humanity, since its beginnings, has always wanted to rise above the most mundane reality, and find, wherever it is, a spiritual meaning in the routine moments that we live every day.

That is why this dolmen of the 21st century takes us back to our ancestors and wants to remind all of us gathered here that outside, not so far from here, there is another world. A world created, among others, by hundreds of millions of years of artists, writers, sculptors, musicians, etc., and also by ordinary people, the common citizen who goes to work every day and who, in some way, has to be present in our discussions. Because, in the end, we all have to work for the common man, for the human race in its entirety. This dolmen transports us to the millenary history of the human race, of ordinary people.

A dolmen has landed in these days as an artist’s piece that summarises this journey from antiquity to modernity in tenths of a second and reminds us that this journey would not have been possible without the people in the street, without those who work and produce, who, in short, must always be the main actor in human progress. Let’s keep him here, let’s see him, and let’s never forget why he is here. His work, his production and his creativity is our future.

A small sample of his dreams

Here is a small selection of works by Gonzalo Guzmán that evoke those induced dreams that the artist creates from scratch in his mind.

A new doctorate for Jaume Plensa

Currently, in the art world, one of the names that resonates most is that of the famous artist Jaume Plensa. After a long career full of successes in various artistic fields, Plensa has become an example of a multidisciplinary artist, having left his personal mark in many of the existing artistic disciplines. From his enormous sculptural productions to his symbolic paintings, and even the arduous task of setting the stage for an opera at the Gran Teatre del Liceu, we can see that Jaume Plensa has dared all kinds of artistic adventures that have made him the international artist that we all know.

His artistic narrative

His work made an impact on the other side of the pond thanks to his interactive video sculpture «Crown Fountain», located in Chicago’s Millennium Park. This production managed to catapult his international fame, a clear example being the large number of Plensa‘s works housed in institutions and countries around the world such as «Endless» at the Raclin Murphy Museum of Art (USA), «Wonderland» in Calgary (Canada) or «Nomade» in Antibes (France). His sculptures and public art installations, for which he is mostly known, always invite to silent contemplation, to connect with spirituality, with the body and with the collective memory. His pieces incite deep reflection and establish a necessary dialogue between the individual and his critical spirit, in order to make visible social issues such as the violation of human rights, oppression, inequalities or injustices.

To convey all this narrative based on awareness, a common point that connects all his projects is the monumentality that surrounds all his works. Not only when talking about their dimensions, but rather when trying to understand the reason for this grandeur that makes us feel part of the social struggle. His faces with closed eyes, his sculptures of pensive bodies or his installations composed with letters of various alphabets, are the proof of a humanity that must activate the five senses, meditate on the context that surrounds it and dissolve borders to unite in the same language: that of harmony and peace.

Prizes and awards

For all these reasons, it is not strange to think that Jaume Plensa has been awarded on several occasions, both for his artistic and social work. Here in Spain he has been awarded nothing more and nothing less than the Premi Nacional d’Arts Plàstiques de la Generalitat de Catalunya (1997), the Premio Nacional de Artes Plásticas de España (2012) or the Medalla de Oro al Mérito en las Bellas Artes del Ministerio de Cultura (2021), along with other personalities from the art world such as the actor Javier Bardem or the musical group Amaral. However, in this blog we want to celebrate and congratulate Jaume Plensa on receiving his fourth honorary degree, this time from the University of Notre-Dame (Indiana, USA). Other doctorates Plensa has been awarded by the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (2005), the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2018) and the Universidad Internacional Méndez Pelayo (2022).

From Galeria SENDA we want to give a warm applause to this Catalan artist who has managed to break boundaries and expose an art designed to be shown to the world. So that his works continue to impact the lives of many people and urban scenarios in all countries of the world. So that the narratives of his projects and the impact they have on our society continue to be awarded.

Galeria SENDA at Art Brussels 2024

For the 40th edition of Art Brussels, we have been selected for the “REDISCOVERY” section by the Art Brussels Committee, composed of Belgian and international gallerists. On this occasion, we bring back the unclassifiable Zush/Evru, to whom we dedicate the exhibition “Back to being” (2020) after eight years of absence by the artist. The “REDISCOVERY” section is dedicated to underrated, undervalued or forgotten artists of the 20th century, living or deceased. It aims to explore and highlight surprising, unknown and original practices that have not yet entered the mainstream of art history.

The human condition through dreams seen by three generations of artists

It is a pleasure to participate again in Art Brussels, as it presents a strong, international program and a unique mix of established artists and emerging talents that align with our vision. In addition to the “REDISCOVERY” section, the galleries have been divided into three more sections: PRIME, DISCOVERY, INVITED and the SOLO subsection of the fair.

In addition to having a special section to put the focus back on the work of Zush/Evru, we added Sandra Vásquez de la Horra and Gonzalo Guzmán, thus creating a dialogue between three artists of three different generations who address realities of the human condition that are not obvious. Very personal visions of the subconscious. Their own experiences serve as an engine to create unique and personal dream worlds that open spaces for reflection.


The personal aesthetic universe of the Barcelona-born artist who, under different names – Albert Porta, Zush and now Evru – has been the protagonist since the sixties of an itinerary that takes us through the most innovative expressive supports. His fluid work is rooted in his even more fluid persona, which has given rise to the Evrugian Mental State, a self-sufficient imaginary world in which he often resides to reflect on concepts such as identity, otherness and the state of being. His artworks act as tangible mediators between the audience and the dreams, emotions, creatures and beings that reside in his dream world. His work blurs the planes of dream and reality with an expression close to surrealism.

Picture of a figure doing a yoga posture

Zush/Evru. Admukarud (2008)

82,8 x 174,2 cm

Sandra Vásquez de la Horra

As a complement to Zush/Evru, Sandra Vásquez de la Horra (Viña del Mar, Chile, 1967) proceeds to work on the plane of her imagination. Her characteristic wax drawings, which could be seen in the exhibition “Meridians” (2018) and “Aura” (2022), evoke a dreamlike state of emotion and fantasy, where her internal expression deals with subversive themes of religion, sex, mythology, death and personal experiences.

Both Vasquez de la Horra and Zush share an interest in the dreamlike and the surreal, but approach these subjects from different perspectives. While Vasquez de la Horra focuses on exploring the deeper aspects of the human unconscious and deconstructing cultural taboos, Zush immerses himself in creating his own alternative worlds. However, both artists share an innate ability to capture the essence of the unreal and the fantastic in their works, inviting the viewer to reflect on the nature of reality and imagination. Like Zush/Evru, Vasquez de la Horra‘s work is rooted in the desire to embody and understand the intangible inner state.

A person looking at an exhibition of drawings hanging on a white wall

Sandra Vásquez de la Horra. “Aura”‘s exhibition view

Wax drawings

Gonzalo Guzmán

Finally, to link the dialogue, we contrast the work of these established artists with one of our latest additions to the gallery, which we exhibited during Art Nou 2023 with the exhibition “Collision“. 

Trained as an industrial designer, Gonzalo Guzmán (Madrid, 1991) began to dedicate himself to sculpture in the wake of the pandemic. During that time of chaos and uncertainty, he experienced “lucid dreams” in which he was aware of living his own dream and could control its development. In these dreams, dolmen-like figures repeatedly appeared to him and served as inspiration. The shaping of these forms in sculptures is a way of research to transfer them to reality. That is to say, the fact of materializing them makes it possible for Guzmán to interact with them on the real plane and at the same time for other people to do so. 

To intertwine Gonzalo Guzmán‘s work with that of Zush/Evru, we can highlight how both artists explore the intersection between the tangible world and the world of dreams. Both challenge the conventional perception of reality and lead us to reflect on the limits of imagination and artistic materialization. While Zush/Evru shows us the landscapes of our dreams, Guzmán offers us the opportunity to touch those ephemeral forms and bring them into the physical world.

Person and white dog in front of a steel sculpture

Gonzalo Guzmán. Dolmen_04 (2022)

190 x 270 x 100 cm

See you at Art Brussels!

For all these reasons, we are pleased to announce our twenty-first participation in the 40th edition of Art Brussels. This prestigious fair is one of the most recognized in Europe and an event marked in our calendar. With a wide variety of proposals, it represents the cultural and artistic richness of the European scene that attracts many collectors, curators, galleries, art professionals from all over the world. This year, the fair will take place at the Brussels Expo, in Halls 5 and 6, and you can find us at stand 5A-22.

Jaume Plensa beyond La Pedrera

Currently, the work of Catalan sculptor Jaume Plensa can be seen in numerous venues around the world, including the exhibition at La Pedrera in Barcelona from March 31st through July 23rd, 2023. However, beyond this exhibition, Plensa‘s work is diverse and complex, and deserves an in-depth review. In this article, we want to explore his work beyond his current exhibition in Barcelona, and highlight his time in our gallery over the years.

From March 31st, at La Pedrera, you will be able to discover the most intimate and unknown Plensa in an exhibition that, for the first time, reveals the influence that literature, language and the alphabet have had on his work.

Image of a metal sculpture being lifted by crane to La Pedrera

Installation of Jaume Plensa’s work at La Pedrera

This exhibition is a unique opportunity to delve into the most particular work of this internationally renowned sculptor. With a career spanning from the late twentieth century to the present, Jaume Plensa has stood out for his work on the human figure, where he often fuses matter, words and music in a constant dialogue. This exhibition, curated by Javier Molins, will show some of the artist’s most representative pieces, as well as his evolution over the years.

Image of people photographing a metal sculpture picked up by a crane

Jaume Plensa during the installation of his work at La Pedrera

From Galeria SENDA, having exhibited the sculptor’s work on more than one occasion, we are thrilled that the city of Barcelona receives it in such an honorable way. It makes us especially excited to remember his passage through the gallery, which never goes unnoticed.

At the end of 2016, Jaume Plensa held his first exhibition at Galeria SENDA: «El Bosc Blanc», after 7 years without exhibiting in Barcelona, his hometown. Plensa presented a work that confronted what is shown with what is hidden, the past with the future, the natural construction with the creation by the hand of man, and the sound vibration with silence.

Gallery view, 2016

Gallery view, 2016

The exhibition consisted of various sculptures of young, female faces representing individuality within the social collectivity. The white pieces, “Lou“, “Duna” and “Isabella“, seemed to float on the floor and were complemented by graphite drawings on the wall. Plensa sought for the viewer to connect with the pieces and find their own path through the works placed in the space.

For more information, you can listen to this explanatory video of the artist:

At the end of 2020, he returned to present a new exhibition «La Llarga Nit» at Galeria SENDA, in which he praised the mysterious time of the night, capable of inspiring the soul of poets. The works in the exhibition presented sleeping and silent figures, with a lyrical and contemplative dimension. Plensa suggests that, by having to stop the machinery of doing, humanity is putting into function the machinery of thinking, generating new ways of living in the world. The exhibition included suspended sculptures, works on paper, among other works.

Photograph of an art gallery displaying a sculpture and a painting
Photograph of an art gallery where a bust sculpture is exhibited

Gallery view, 2020

Gallery view, 2020

In addition, beyond the exhibitions, Plensa accompanied us on two occasions last year. The first time he participated with Javier Molins in a talk that took place at the gallery on the occasion of the presentation of the book “Artists in the Nazi camps”. In this talk, Plensa and Molins shared their reflections on the work of artists who were victims of the Holocaust and its importance in the history of art. The second occasion was also in 2022, when he participated in another talk together with photographer Jean-Marie del Moral and journalist Màrius Carol during the presentation of the book «Interior, 2022» by By Publications. In this #SENDATalks, they shared their experiences and reflections on art and creativity in today’s world.

However, even further back in time, in 2017, German sculptor Stephan Balkenhol and Jaume Plensa met on the gallery’s mezzanine to talk about «Sculptures and Public Space» in a dialogue about their trajectory and their interest in promoting sculpture as a value for society and culture.

We are grateful to have been able to witness Plensa‘s unwavering commitment to contemporary art and the opportunity to present his work in a gallery in his own city.

If you are interested in learning about the available pieces by Jaume Plensa, do not hesitate to contact us by email senda@galeriasenda.com or at our SHOP online:

A journey through the imaginary of Jaume Plensa in the Macbeth opera

With Jaume Plensa as artistic director, Verdi’s opera Macbeth premieres on February 16 at the Gran Teatre del Liceu in Barcelona.

This was already announced by Richard Wagner when he coined the term “Gesamtkunstwerk”, referring to opera as a total work of art that integrates the six arts: painting, sculpture, music, poetry, dance and architecture.

The Wagnerian ideal seeks a fusion between all the participatory elements of opera, as Jaume Plensa, known for his multifaceted artistic vision, has done. The Catalan artist has taken on the challenge of directing the stage production of the opera Gran Teatre del Liceu in Barcelona.

Verdi’s well-known opera premieres this February 16 under the direction of Josep Pons, with a powerful aesthetic and ritual presence of Jaume Plensa. Inspired by Shakespeare’s Macbeth, the artist confesses that “it is one of the most profound and interesting reflections on duality between body and soul, between abstraction and matter“.

Plensa affirms that “it is one of Shakespeare’s most mental plays, because we have all been Macbeth, Lady Macbeth and other characters in the play at one time or another“, which is addressed “to the deepest sense of the human being“. All in all, for Plensa, Macbeth represents a deeply introspective theatrical work that resonates with the universal human experience. He explains that each character in the play is a representation of diverse aspects of the human being, inviting the viewer to explore his or her own psyche through the operatic narrative.

I wanted to make a completely mental opera, to see in each scene moments that are like us, we have all been characters in the piece at one time or another“. Through the costumes, with most costumes out of his time, working on the choreography with Antonio Ruiz and lighting with Urs Schönebaum, Jaume Plensa aims to bring the viewer a more spiritual vision of the work, capturing in the best possible way the journey through the imaginary characteristic of the sculptor. His goal is to take the viewer on a spiritual journey through the rich imaginary that characterizes his work as a sculptor.

Image of white, black, red and gold colored figurines
Image of white, black, red and silver colored figurines

Macbeth art direction mock-up

The opera has an exquisite cast formed by Luca Salsi, Željko Lučić, Erwin Schrott, Simón Orfila, Ekaterina Semenchuk, Alexandrina Pendatchanska, Gemma Coma-Alabert, Francesco Pio Galasso, Celso Albelo, Fabian Lara and David Lagares. With special enthusiasm, we will meet again with Sondra Radvanovsky, soprano who plays Lady Macbeth and of whom we remember her visit to ARCO Madrid 2021 on the occasion of the presentation of the poster of the Castell de Peralada Festival.

Photograph of four men and a woman smiling at the camera posing in front of a painting

From left to right, Oriol Aguilà, director of the Festival Castell de Peralada; Joan Matabosch, artistic director of the Teatro Real; Carlos Álvarez, baritone; Sondra Radvanovsky, soprano; and artist Jordi Bernadó, posing with one of his works exhibited at ARCO Madrid 2021.

Image of white, black and red figurines
Photograph of Jaume Plensa seated on a chair with a microphone in hand

Jaume Plensa selected works:

Mina Hamada’s sculptures are exhibited at the By Invitation fair for solidarity purposes

Two sculptures by the Barcelona-based Japanese artist Mina Hamada will be exhibited at the art fair, and the proceeds from their sale will go to the Fundación Lucha contra las Infecciones.

On the occasion of the  By Invitation art fair, organized by the Círculo Ecuestre de Barcelona, La Roca Village, in collaboration with the Senda and Lab36 galleries and the artist Mina Hamada, donates some sculptures by the artist Mina Hamada for exhibition and charity sale in favor of the  Fundación Lucha contra las Infecciones.

Paseo Colorido, Mina Hamada para La Roca Village, 2022

The galleries LAB36 and Galeria Senda together with Mina Hamada joins through art to the solidarity project led by La Roca Village with the Fight Against Infections Foundation as part of its commitment and mission.

The sculptures by Mina Hamada, a Japanese artist based in Barcelona, are part of the project Paseo Colorido , which has been on display at La Roca Village since summer. As part of The Bicester Collection’s DO GOOD program, to which La Roca Village belongs, the amount from the sale of These 3 large-format pieces will go to the Fight Against Infectious Diseases Foundation, chaired by dr. Bonaventura Clotet.

Like last year, access will be by invitation only (contact the gallery) 📩 and a series of conferences will be held in parallel to the exhibition.

Galeria SENDA at By Invitation III – Círculo Ecuestre de Barcelona

The Círculo Ecuestre is organizing this year 2022 its third edition of By Invitation: Círculo Internacional de Arte Moderno y Contemporáneo, at the club’s headquarters, located at 169 Bis Balmes Street. From December 14 to 18, twenty-three galleries, both national and international, have been chosen to exhibit representative works of modern and contemporary art in this Barcelona space. The By Invitation initiative arose from the mind of businessman and politician Enrique Lacalle, vice-president of the Círculo Ecuestre, in response to the need to offer the city of Barcelona a unique artistic event in an exclusive environment that makes attendees feel part of a special circle. Such has been the success of this annual exhibition that this year the Círculo Ecuestre is hosting the event for the third consecutive year.

Imagen del logo del Círculo Ecuestre y de la propuesta galerística “By Invitation”

For this edition of By Invitation 2022, we present part of the collections of some of the artists that make up the essence of Galeria SENDA. Firstly, the internationally known Jaume Plensa will exhibit his spectacular bronze sculpture “Study for Martina” as well as his work on paper “Dee“. His projects, characterized by monumentality and the exploration of the duality between the material and the immaterial, stand out for his ability to create sculptures that transcend the physical and explore the human essence and communication. Plensa is recognized for his public sculptures located in cities around the world, which awaken reflection and emotional connection with the viewer.

Joining this artistic event are the works of Antoni Tàpies, the prominent Catalan artist known for his contribution to the informal art movement or informalism and for his exploration of matter and textures in his artistic representations. Tàpies developed a distinctive style that combined abstract elements with symbols and signs charged with meaning. His work reflects his interest in the spiritual and metaphysical, using everyday materials such as soil, sand and found objects to create a unique artistic expression that challenges the traditional conventions of art. Tàpies left a lasting legacy in Spanish and international contemporary art, being recognized as one of the most influential artists of the 20th century. Part of his legacy will be exhibited in this edition of By Invitation with works such as “LLULL XXXIV” or “Polze núm.2“.

North American Peter Halley will also be exhibiting at the Círculo Ecuestre this year. Peter Halley is an outstanding artist whose work has left a profound mark on the international art scene. Recognized for his participation in the neo-geo movement of the 1980s, Halley uses geometry as a language to explore space and time in our contemporary society. His works, with cold, rectilinear geometric forms, reflect the closed and often oppressive order of our urban environment. Through his characteristic roll-a-tex texture and expressive use of color, Halley establishes connections to Pop Art and mass culture, offering a critical and reflective look at our social and political reality.

Yago Hortal and his monumental canvases will be hanging on the walls of By Invitation III. Born in Barcelona, he is an artist noted for fusing chance and consciousness in his creative process, turning the canvas into a vibrant stage where color comes to life. His expressive and passionate style invites the viewer to experience tactile sensations, creating a unique connection between the work and the viewer. A dozen of his canvases can be seen on the walls of the Círculo Ecuestre.

Xavi Bou‘s chronophotographic work will also be on display for this new edition. A geologist by training and photographer by passion, Bou has fused his love for the natural sciences with his artistic ability to reveal the hidden beauty of nature. Inspired by his experiences in the wetlands of the Llobregat delta, Bou has developed his most emblematic project, “Ornithographies,” which captures the invisible patterns traced by birds in the sky during flight. Through a unique combination of art and science, Bou has managed to challenge human perception and offer a new perspective of the natural world. This exhibition will feature three of his photographs from “Ornithographies“.

Túlio Pinto and his sculptural work “Complicity #34” will be present as part of SENDA‘s gallery proposal for By Invitation 2022. The Brazilian sculptor defies physical laws through his work, creating tensions and balances that defy gravity. With a background in Fine Arts and specialization in sculpture, Pinto uses a variety of opposing materials, such as cement, iron and frozen water, to achieve a unique harmony in his works.

Galeria SENDA‘s latest proposal is Gonzalo Guzmán, a sculptor from Madrid who, in his recent projects, uses lucid dreams as a source of inspiration and inner exploration in his art. His sculptures, which represent the metallic structures of his dreams, challenge the limits of reality and perception. By questioning our beliefs through art, Guzmán invites us to reflect on the world around us and our relationship with it.

In collaboration with Lab36, we will also exhibit works by Albert Pinya and Mina Hamada. Pinya, a multidisciplinary artist, explores human duality and social tensions through his works. With a provocative style and vibrant palette, he addresses themes such as identity, power and contemporary culture. His paintings and sculptures, charged with symbolism and energy, incite the viewer to question the complexity of the modern world and human interactions. On the other hand, multicultural artist Hamada fuses influences from East and West in her expressive murals and artworks. With a palette of warm colors and organic forms, Hamada invites the viewer to explore her dream world, where youth and philosophical depth intertwine harmoniously.

Imagen de una exposición con cuadros coloridos colgados y dos personas observando
LAB36 – Booth E9
Imagen de una exposición con cuadros y esculturas expuestas y dos personas observando
Galeria SENDA – Booth E9
Imagen de una exposición con dos cuadros, uno azul y el otro blanco, colgados, así como una escultura de acero inoxidable expuesta
Xavi Bou & Gonzalo Guzmán
Imagen de dos hombres en traje posando delante de una exposición de arte
Carlos Durán & Enrique Lacalle
Imagen de dos cuadros coloridos con siluetas de caras trazadas en negro y un jarrón de cerámica con caras trazadas en azul
Albert Pinya
Imagen de una escultura de metal de Jaume Plensa
Installation shot 2020
Imagen de un salón clásico con pinturas y esculturas expuestas
Installation shot 2021

As this is a private social club, access to enjoy the exhibitions is by invitation only. To obtain one of these, please contact the gallery in advance. In addition, and in parallel to the exhibition, there will be a series of conferences related to the works presented. For more information about the By Invitation III program, click on the following link https://byinvitation.es/ and discover every detail of this new edition.

Jaume Plensa, Jean-Marie del Moral and Màrius Carol meet at Galeria SENDA

Last Monday, November 7, Barcelona became the epicenter of art and reflection when Galeria SENDA opened its doors to welcome three prominent names from the cultural world: sculptor Jaume Plensa, photographer Jean-Marie del Moral and journalist Màrius Carol. The reason for this meeting was the presentation of the book “Interior, 2022”, a work that transcends the printed pages to explore the challenges and opportunities faced by creators in the context of a globalized market.

The theme of the talk, entitled “Shared Challenges. Creating in a Global Marketplace“, addressed profound and pertinent questions about the creative process in the contemporary world. How do artists face the pressure of producing in a globalized environment? What impact do market trends have on creativity and originality? These were some of the questions raised during the conversation, which turned into an exciting dialogue between creative minds.

Jaume Plensa, known for his imposing sculptures that explore the relationship between the individual and the environment, shared his vision of the need to maintain authenticity in a world flooded with external influences. For Plensa, true creativity arises from the connection with oneself and the surrounding environment, and it is crucial to preserve that connection in a globalized context.

For his part, Jean-Marie del Moral, whose photography captures the essence of urban life and human diversity, spoke about the role of art as a tool for expression and resistance in an increasingly homogenized world. For Del Moral, creativity is an act of resistance against uniformity, a way of celebrating the diversity and complexity of the world we inhabit.

Màrius Carol, a journalist with a long career in the cultural field, provided a unique perspective on the role of the media in the promotion and dissemination of contemporary art. In a world where attention is fragmented and information is constantly flowing, Carol stressed the importance of telling authentic and meaningful stories that connect with audiences on an emotional level.

The presentation of the book “Interior, 2022” marked the beginning of a series of #SENDATalks, a typology of talks organized by Galeria SENDA that brings together artists, creators and thinkers to explore relevant topics in the world of art and culture. These meetings provide a platform for the exchange of ideas, debate and reflection, fostering an open and enriching dialogue between different disciplines and perspectives.

The event concluded with a question and answer session, where the audience had the opportunity to interact with the speakers and delve deeper into the topics discussed. The atmosphere was one of inspiration and camaraderie, leaving a lasting impression on all present and sowing the seeds for future conversations and creative collaborations. In short, the talk at Galeria SENDA was much more than a book presentation; it was a transformative encounter that illuminated the complexities and challenges of the creative process in the 21st century, and demonstrated the power of art and culture to bring people together and enrich our lives.

To learn more about this #SENDATalk discover the talk on YouTube Live and Instagram Live

Image of a talk in an art gallery
Three men with microphones giving a talk
Photograph of two men in front of a wall with drawings smiling at the camera
Photograph of two men holding a large book with black letters on a white background

See you at the next #SENDATalk 🗣!

The new doors of Jaume Plensa at the Gran Teatre del Liceu in Barcelona

“The letter seems to me a beautiful metaphor of society: a single letter is nothing; but together with others it can form words, concepts; this is the power of community.” Jaume Plensa

The Gran Teatre del Liceu opened the 2022-2023 season yesterday, Monday, with the new doors, or ‘Constellations’, the work of sculptor Jaume Plensa, highlighting the celebration of the 175th anniversary of the historic Barcelona institution.

The artist Jaume Plensa next to Salvador Alemany, president of the Fundació del Gran Teatre del Liceu 

The doors (stainless steel, 4 x 4 m) are inspired by two classics of Catalan culture: the architect Antoni Gaudí, and the painter Joan Miró, with his nearby Pla de la Boquería mosaic, in addition to the close relationship with the name of one of his most original series ‘Constel·lacions (1939)’.

“I think this dialogue between the past and the future gives us the key to the present: the contemporary gesture at the heart of society, embracing music with words and voice with writing.” The artist said yesterday at the opening ceremony at Las Ramblas.

Plensa intends to vindicate the diversity of the promenade with letters from nine alphabets engraved on the railings – intermingling Arabic, Latin or Chinese – that will reflect their moving shadows on the floor of the entrance, when the doors reach the light of the lamps of the portal.

During the presentation of the doors, the Minister of Culture, Natàlia Garriga, also expressed the importance of this work for the city: “I want to thank all the members of the Board of Trustees who accepted it so quickly, that they see so lucidly that this proposal would be key for the Liceu, but also for the Ramblas, Barcelona and Catalonia.” And she has added that “having art available to everyone makes it possible for citizens to know and value it. I am sure that these doors will awaken the love for art in many pedestrians, and in the spectators who pass through them to enjoy the opera in this important facility.”

For his part, the Deputy Mayor for Culture, Education, Science and Community of the Barcelona City Council, Jordi Martí, has emphasized above all the commitment of the Liceu to “link to contemporary artists of the city and to do it in a total and determined way, not just with a small gesture. Today we are opening three doors, but we will also be able to see Macbeth with the stage direction of Jaume Plensa.” Martí has ​​insisted that the doors “improve the artistic environment of the Ramblas” and wanted to thank the artist for his “humble and restrained gesture because Constelaciones are integrated into the landscape and do not become an isolated work of art.”

After the institutional parliaments, the act has continued with the first official opening of the doors while the Coro del Gran Teatre del Liceu performed the Wagnerian piece Freudig begrüß en wir die edle Halle (Tannhäuser, act II) on the Rambla, directed by the director of the Choir, Pablo Assante, and accompanied on piano by David-Huy Nguyen-Phung. A piece from the second act of the Tannhäuser that celebrates the entrance of the guests and that wants to be a symbolic and metaphorical gesture of doors that invite the public to enter and enjoy the universal language that is music.

“The alphabet represents a harmony that celebrates the great diversity of the world,” said Plensa. The president of the fundación del Liceo, Salvador Alemany, has stated that the sculptor’s work is “a gift that gives prestige to the Rambla and the Liceo”.

No es la primera vez que el escultor dispone de una obra cerca de un núcleo cultural de la ciudad condal. Carmela, un rostro de cuatro metros, mitad niña y mitad adolescente, preside la fachada del Palau de la Música. El artista, Premio Nacional de Artes Plásticas 2012, ha proyectado sus conocidos rostros en otras capitales como Madrid, (Julia) o New York (El alma del agua).

Plensa will maintain his relationship with the Liceo in the new season as the person in charge of the scenery of the Macbeth of Verdi, que se estrenará el próximo febrero.

Technical and operating elements

As for the technical details, these doors weigh around 500 kilograms each and migrate on a single axis that is embedded at the start of the arch just above the capital; of the pilasters. The convexity of the doors does not exceed the outer plane of the pilasters and means that the minimum passage below the open sheepfold is about 3 m high. One of the characteristics of the structure is that the doors do not open laterally, but have an opening movement from bottom to top. In this way, in addition to physical sculpture, we also seek a set of dialogues with spaces, reflections and optical visions of light and shadow. Thus, all those who walk the ground of the Rambla will be able to walk on this carpet of shadows of the installation itself. The work is integrated without affecting any other past element incorporated prior to the facade of Oriol Mestres from 1874 and recovered in 2019.






The Museum of Reus exhibits Jaume Plensa’s work

The Reus Museum exhibits at its headquarters in the Raval de Santa Anna the piece “Duna’s World II”, a work by the sculptor Jaume Plensa, which is part of a col private collection, lent to the city by the Senda Gallery.

Jaume Plensa born in Barcelona in 1955 is one of the greatest exponents of the current sculpture scene, and internationally known, especially for his pieces of art in public spaces.

“Duna’s World II” is another representation of Jaume Plensa‘s idea, a young face, sculpted directly on the marble, with an incredibly smooth surface that is a clear tribute to the purity of youth.

The face, with closed eyes transports us to the world of inner reflection, of introspection, of peace, like a utopian portrait of human thought. With its contemplation Plensa invites us to better feel our deepest being and abandon ourselves to the time of thought.

The face, with closed eyes, transports us to the world of inner reflection, introspection, peace, like a utopian portrait of human thought. With its contemplation, Plensa invites us to feel better our deeper being and leave us in the time of thought.

El rostro, con los ojos cerrados, nos transporta al mundo de la reflexión interior, de la introspección, de la paz, como un retrato utópico del pensamiento humano. Con su contemplación Plensa nos invita a sentir mejor nuestro ser más profundo y abandonarnos en el tiempo del pensamiento.

“Duna’s World II” is a unique piece of marble, 183 x 67 x 58, created in 2015

With the sale of this piece, Reus will have two works by Jaume Plensa. In 2003, the sculptor created the piece ‘Body of Light’ which is installed at the entrance of the Xavier Amorós Central Library.

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