Galeria Senda presents an instalation of works by Sandra Vásquez de la Horra at ArtBO Bogota, in the section curated by José Roca.

The “Solo Projects: Laboratorium" ArtBO section is curated by José Roca, Adjunct Curator of Latin American Art Estrellita B. Brodsky at the Tate Gallery in London, and Artistic Director of FLORA ars + natura, contemporary art space in Bogota.
Sandra creates art with the technique of drawing and watercolor on dipped wax paper. The melancholic dreams and phantoms, which constantly appear in her oeuvre, recall to the political past experienced during her adolescence. 
In 2009 she won the Prize for Contemporary Drawing, awarded by the Daniel and Florence Guerlain Foundation in Paris, and later that year her work was exhibited in the Bonnefantenmuseum Maastricht, The Netherlands.
Sandra is from Chile, she lives and works in Berlin. She participates in Pinta Projects with others 9 artists like Armando Andrade Tudela, Jorge Pedro Nuñez, Oswaldo Macia and Rodrigo Matheus.
Galeria Senda presents an installation of works by Sandra Vásquez de la Horra to respond to the approach of the Colombian curator.
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