After Landscape. Copied cities, at Fabra i Coats with Jordi Bernadó and Robbins – Becher

The exhibition After Landscape. Copied cities, curated by Martí Peran, shows a compilation of works that reflect the interest of contemporary art on documental processes and investigation, allowing a real approach to the copied cities phenomenon. This shows includes works by An Architektur, Joan Bennàssar, Jordi Bernadó, Stefanie Bürkle, Jordi Colomer, Scott Chandler, Domènec, Dan Dubowitz, Alejandro Fernández Mouján , David Goldblatt,  Heidrund Holzfeind – Christoph Draeger, Luis Molina Pantin , Francesc Muñoz – Ramon Parramon – Octavi Rofes (amb la col.laboració de Blanca Muntadas), Andrea Robbins – Max Becher, Clarissa Tossin, Oriol Vilanova y Dave Wyatt.