HELOÏSE PERFUNDET OMNIA LUCE. Elena del Rivero at the faculty of biology (Barcelona University)

Gallery, 25 November, 2010


From 10th November 2010 to 23thr December of 2011, the piece of art of Elena del Rivero entitled HELOÏSE PERFUNDET OMNIA LUCEHELOÏSE PERFUNDET OMNIA LUCE (originally created for the Stairs of Honor, in the Historic building of the Barcelona University) will be exhibited in the foyer of the Faculty of Biology.

This piece, principally composed by original fabrics, a videoproyection and sound, simbolizes femenine freedom and politic of women at University.
The artist was inspired in the historic figure of Heloïse, interpreted by María Zambrano and also in the tradition of two lemmas of the University of Barcelona's coat of arms

For the original production of the instalation, del Rivero has received the support of the
Para la la producción original ha recibido el apoyo del "Institut de la Dona", the Generalitat de Catalunya (Institut Català de es Dones i Departament de Cultura i Mitjans de Comunicació), the Associació Cultural de Donas Hildegarda, Pròleg bookshop of Barcelona, the Diputació de Barcelona, the Centre Dona i Literatura, the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, the Parc Científic de Barcelona (PCB-UB), the Decanato de la Facultad de Geografia e Historia, and the Càtedra d’Art i Cultura Contemporanis (CACC) of Girona University.