Massimo Vitali

Massimo Vitali born in 1944 in Como, Italy.
Lives and works in Lucca and Berlin.
Massimo Vitali studied Photography at the London College of Printing and started working as a photojournalist. He then began to do photography directing for advertising and cinema. Since 1993, he climbs on a high platform with a large-format camera and shoots beaches, night clubs, ski resorts, supermarkets, swimming pools, and other crowded leisure areas. His works are clean, pale and extremely detailed, almost aseptic.
- 2022
- Endless Summer Edwynn Houk Gallery, New York
- PHoto ESPAÑA Biblioteca central Cantabria, Santander, España
- 2021
- Pienovuoto, Forte Belvedere - Museo del ‘900, Florence, Italy
- Leporello 2020. No Country for Old Men, Visionarea, Auditorium Conciliazione, Rome
- Ti ho visto Mazzoleni gallery, Turin
- 2020
- Human Constellations, Museo Ettore Fico, Turin
- New Normal, La Fab, Paris, France
- 2019
- Massimo Vitali: Short Stories, Mazzoleni, London
- 2018
- Coastal Colonies Spiral, Tokyo
- 2017
- Disturbed Coastal Systems Benrubi Gallery, New York
- 2016
- Massimo Vitali Ronchini Gallery, London
- 2015
- Massimo Vitali - New Prints Hilger Next, Vienna
- 2014
- Massimo Vitali Studio La Citta, Verona
- 2013
- Between Normalities Bonni Benrubi Gallery, New York
- 2012
- Fotografia Europea 2012, Reggio Emilia, Italia
- PhotoMed, Sanary sur Mer, France
- 2011
- Boni Benrubi Gallery, New York, USA
- Brancolini Grimaldi, London, UK
- LOOK3, Charlottesville, Virginia, USA
- Baró Galería, Sao Paulo, Brazil
- 2010
- Crown Gallery, Brussels, Belgium
- Galerrie du Jour, Paris, France
- M+B, Los Angeles, USA
- Maior Gallery.Festival Music of Benicasim, España
- 2009
- Boni Benrubi Gallery, New York, USA
- Dogenhaus Galerie, Leipzig, Deutschland
- Ernst Hilger Contemporary, Vienna, Austria
- FOAM, Amsterdam, Holland
- 2008
- Crown Gallery, Brussels, Belgium
- galeria SENDA, Barcelona, España
- Bonni Benrubi Gallery, Nueva York, USA
- M+B, Los Angeles, USA
- Galerie Hafenrichter & Flugel, Nuremberg, Deutschland
- 2007
- Vistas, Artcore Gallery – Fabrice Marcolini, Toronto, USA
- Jackson Fine Art, Atlanta, USA
- The Columns Art Centre for Visual and Performing Arts, Seoul, South Korea
- 2006
- Old concepts, New works, Hilger Contemporary Wien, Vienna, Austria
- M+B, Los Angeles, USA
- American Beaches, Brancolini Grimaldi Arte Contemporanea, Roma, Italia
- Playas, Discotecas y Supermercados, galeria SENDA, Barcelona, España
- Rencontres Internationales de la Photo, Arles, France
- Crown Gallery, Brussels, Belgium
- Massimo Vitali e Brian Mckee, Galleria Fabjbasaglia, Rimini, Italia
- 2005
- Bonni Benrubi Gallery, Nueva York, USA
- Massimo Vitali - Fotografie 1995-2005, Lentos Kunstmuseum, Linz, Austria
- La Fábrica Galería, Madrid, España
- 2004
- Centro d’Arte Pecci, Prato, Italy; travels to Bilbao Caixa, Bilbao; PMMK Museum voor Moderne Kunst Oostende, Belgium
- Fundación BBK, Bilbao, España
- Hilger Contemporary, Vienna, Austria
- Luigi Peci Centre for Contemporary Art, Prato, Italia
- Crown Gallery, Brussels, Belgium
- Bonni Benrubi Gallery, Nueva York, USA
- 2003
- Isabella Brancolini Arte Contemporanea, Firenze, Italia
- Galleria CONS ARC, Chiasso, Switzerland
- La Cour d´ecole, Cinematique de Corse, Porto Vecchio, France
- 2001
- Galería Barbara Gillman, Miami, USA
- Arndt & Partner, Berlin, Germany
- Serieuse Zaken, Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Museum of Modern Art/ Hasselblad Foundation, Goteborg, Sweden
- 2000
- Hotel des Arts, Toulon, France
- Espace Malraux, Chambery, France
- Galería Hotel Art, Firenze, Italia
- Arte e Personae, Firenze, Italia
- Crown Gallery, Brussels, Belgium
- Fotohof, Salzburg, Germany
- 1999
- Les Quartz, Brest, France
- Galerie du Jour Agnès B, Paris, France
- 1998
- Rencontres Internationales de la Photo, Arles, France
- Marianne Boesky gallery, New York, USA
- Atheneum, Université de le Bourgogne, Dijon, France
- 1997
- Photographer’s Gallery, London, UK
- Studio Guenzini, Milano, Italia
- 1995
- Spiagge Italiane, Gallerie ConsArc, Chiasso, Switzerland
- 1994
- East German Panoramas, Historisches Archiv der Stadt, Colonia, Deutschland
- 2022
- Foto in Gioco! La Venaria Reale, Turin
- Entre-corps Puzzle Thionville, France
- Ridisegnare lo spazio LABS contemporary art, Bologna
- 2021
- Partance, Villa Théo, Le Lavandeu, France
- The Families of Man, Museo Archeologico Regionale di Aosta
- RIVA Project, MAD Murate Art District, Florence, Italy
- Natura Risponde, Associazione 21 – Ex complesso officine Gay, Lodi
- Electronic: From Kraftwerk to The Chemical Brothers, Design Museum, London
- Civilization: the way we live now, Musée des Civilisations de l’Europe et de la Méditerranée (Mucem), Marseille, France
- 2020
- Shared Space: A New Era, Photographs from the Bank of America Collection, The University Galleries at Florida Atlantic University
- Civilization: the way we live now, Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki, Auckland, New Zealand
- 2019
- Electro. From Kraftwerk to Laurent Garnier Philarmonie de Paris
- Civilization: the way we live now, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing, China
- Civilization: the way we live now, National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia
- L’Italia dei fotografi. 24 storie d’autore M9 Museo del’900, Venezia
- 2018
- Civilization: the way we live now National Museum of Contemporary Art, Seoul
- 2017
- From the Cavern to the Moon Centro Pecci, Prato
- 2016
- Extraordinary Visions. L’Italia ci guarda MAXXI, Roma
- 2015
- Liberi tutti Museo Ettore Fico, Torino
- Industry now Mast Foundation, Bologna
- 2012
- L'insouciance, La Maison Guerlain, Paris, France
- Summer Show, Brancolini Grimaldi, London, UK
- Addio Anni '70. Arte a Milano 1969-1980, Palazzo Reale, Milano, Italia
- The Deep Element: Photography at the Beach, Corcoran Gallery of Art,Washington D.C., USA
- Sense of Place - European Landscape Photography BOZAR Expo, Center for Fine Arts, Brussels, Belgium
- Shared Spaces Photo España, Royal Botanical Gardens, Madrid, España
- Shared Vision: The Sondra Gilman and Celso Gonzalez-Falla Collection of Photography Aperture, New York, USA
- Periphral Visions: Italian Photography in Context, 1950's, Present Hunter College, New York, USA
- Demonstrations - Making Normative Orders Frankfurt Kunstverein, Deutschland
- Sweet and SaltKunsthal, Rotterdam, Netherlands
- 2011
- Festival de Photographie de Deauville, Deauville, France
- Medianoce en la ciudad, Artium, Vitoria, España
- Una prospettiva italiana, Studio la Citta. Verona, Italia
- Baro Galeria, Sao Paulo, Brazil
- Panorama sur les 20 ans d’une collection. Centre Meditarranee de la Photographie, Corsica, France
- 2010
- La Rambla.In/Out. Barcelona, Arts Santa Mónica, Barcelona España
- Steidl. Quand la photo devient livre, La Monnaie, Paris, France
- Detour, The Moleskin Notebook Experience, Bund 18, Shangai, China
- Il Paesaggio italiano in Fotografia, 1950-2000 CRAF, Pordenone, Italia
- Human Rites, Bass Museum, Miami, USA
- PastPresentFuture – Highlights from de UniCredit Group Collection, Yapi Kredi Cultural Center, Istambul, Turkey
- The definition of Self, Design Sight, Tokyo, Japan
- 2009
- Mi vida. From Heaven to Hell. Life experiences in art from MUSAC Collection, Mcsarnok Kunsthalle, Budapest, Hungary
- Kalidoscope d’Italie, Centre National de l’Audiovisuel, Dudelange, Luxembourg
- Dopo La Sicilia, Galleria del Credito Valtellinese, Milano, Italia
- PastPresentFuture – Highlights from the UniCredit Group Collection, Bank Austria, Kunstforum, Vienna, Austria
- Parrworld : The Collection of Martin Parr, Jeu de Paume, Paris, France
- BAM Photography Portfolio III, MIT List Visual Arts Center, Cambridge, USA
- Naturellement Humain, Centre Cultural Joseph Kessel, Villepinte, France
- Nature Nation, Museum on the Seam, Jerusalem, Israel
- Waterland, Galerie Alexandre Cadain, Paris, France
- MI VIDA. From Heaven to Hell, Muecsarnok, Budapest, Hungary
- 2008
- Human/Nature: Recent European Landscape Photography, Nelson Atkins Museum, Kansas, USA
- Las Vegas Collects Contemporary, The Las Vegas Art Museum, Las Vegas, USA
- The Allure of Italy, The Fitchburg Art Museum, Fitchburg, MA, USA
- Lucca Digital Photo Fest, Lucca, Italia
- Join the Crowd, Ronchini Arte Contemporanea, Terni, Italia
- Benicassim. El Festival, Laboratorio 987, MUSAC Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Castilla y León, León, España
- Art is for the Spirit: Works from the UBS Art Collection, Mori Art Museum, Rapponigi Hills Mori Tower, Mato-ku, Tokyo, Japan
- Metamorphosis, Jules Brocherel a Massimo Vitali, Comune di Courmayeur, Italia
- The Good Life, Yancey Richardson Gallery, New York, USA
- 2007
- La vida privada, Colección Joseph María Civit, Centro de Arte y Naturaleza, Huesca, España
- La photographie Construite, Hotel des Arts, Sebastien a Saint Cyr sur Mer, France
- Jano – La dobre cara de la fotografía, fondos de la colección permanente, Museo Nacional Reina Sofía, Madrid, España
- Souvenir dalla Collezione del Centro per l’arte contemporanea Luigi Pecci, Prato, Italia
- Anatomia dell’Irrequietezza: Il mito del viaggio dal Grand Tour all’Era Virtuale, Palazzo Della Permanente, Perugia, Italia
- 2006
- Ballermann. Die Ausstellung, Kunsthalle zu Kiel, Kiel, Deutschland
- See into liquid, curated by Cydney Payton, Museum of Contemporary Art, Denver, USA
- 2005
- Beyond Delirious: Architecture in Selected Photographs from the Ella Fontanals Cisneros Collection, CIFO, Miami, USA
- La Dolce Crisi. Fotografia Contemporanea in Italia, Villa Manin Centro d´Arte Contemporanea, Codroipo, Italia
- Valencia Biennale, Convento Carmen, Valencia, España
- 2004
- Collection Agnès B., Les Abattoirs-Frac Midi-Pyrénées, Toulouse, France
- Nous Remontons de la «Calle» Toutes les Photographies, Galerie du Jour Agnès B., Paris, France
- Italia Space and Places, Galería Robert Mann, New York, USA
- 2003
- Beaufort 2003, Kunst aan zee Triennale Oostende, Belgium
- Undergang, Kunsthall Bergen, Norway
- Melting Pop, Palazzo delle Papesse, Siena, Italia
- Painting Pictures, Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg, Deutschland
- La Montagna Disincantata, Aosta Tour Fromage, Italia
- 2002
- Metamorfosi della realtà, Palazzo Mediceo Fabroni, Pistoia, Italia
- Cache-Cache, Camouflage, MU-DAC, Lausanne, Switzerland
- Trade, Netherlands Foto Institut, Netherlands
- 2001
- Mediterraneo um nuovo muro?, Culturgest, Lisboa, Portugal
- Effetto Provos, Colombo Arte Contemporanea, Milan, Italia
- Kunst und Kur, Kunsthaus Meran, Deutschland
- Arkens Samling, Arken Museet, Denmark
- Trade, Fotomuseum Winterthur, Switzerland
- Centro Trevi, Mutamenti+Analogie, Bolzano, Italia
- Biozones, Forum Culturel Blanc-Mesnil, Bobigny, France
- Contemporary Artist’s of the Mediterranean, Culturgest, Lisboa, Portugal
- Collection 3, FRAC, Alsace, France
- Painterly Photography, Blains Fine Arts, Londres, UK
- 2000
- Tempo!, Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Roma, Italia
- Arte y Tiempo, Centre de Cultura Contemporanea, Barcelona, España
- tois, París, tu m’a pris dans tes bras, Galerie du Jour Agnès B, Paris, France
- PS1, New York, USA
- Künstler für die Natur, WWF, Munich, Deutschland
- La Collection de photographie d’Agnès B, Centre national de la photographie, Paris, France
- Desirs de Rivages, 1ere Biennale Internationale de la Photographie Maritime, Musée Nationale de la Marine, France
- NoConfines, Musei di Porta Romana, Milano, Italia
- Stadt, Land, Mensch, Arndt & Partner, Berlin, Deutschland
- Le Temps Vite, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France
- 1999
- In Uso, Museo Michetti, Francavilla al Mare, Italia
- Maison de la Culture, Amiens, France
- Photography fom the Martin Z. Margulies Collection, The Art Museum at Florida International University, Miami, USA
- 1998
- España 98, Madrid, España
- Un nouveau paysage humain, XXIX Recontres de la Photographie, Arles, France
- Paisagens do quotidiano, Encontros de Fotografia, Coimbra, Portugal
- Italian Photojournalism around 1968, Triennale, Milano, Italia
- Paesaggi Italiani, Galleri degli Uffizi, Firenza, Italia
- 1997
- Un Paese Unico, Alinari, Firenze, Italia
- Postwar italian Photojournalism, Villa Bottini, Lucca, Italia
- Squardigardesani, Museo Civico, Riva del Garda, Italia
- 1993
- Where Olives Grow, Biennale Internazionale di Fotografia, Torino, Italia
- AGO Art Gallery of Ontario, Ontario, Canada
- Conservatoire du Littoral, Paris, France
- Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid, España
- Centro per L’Arte Contemporanea Luigi Pecci, Prato, Italia
- The Solomon Guggenheim Museum, New York, USA
- Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de Castilla y León, León, España
- Belgacom, Brussels, Belgium
- Fondazione Sandretto Rebaudengo, Guarene, Torino, Italia
- Metropolitan Bank Trust Photo Collection, Chicago, USA
- MMK Frankfurt am Main, Sammlung E-On, Düsseldorf, Deutschland
- Museum of Contemporary Art, Denver, USA
- Agnes B., Paris, France
- Fortis Bank, Deutschland
- FRAC, Alsace, France
- ABN Amro, Netherlands
- Arken Museum, Denmark
- Akzo Nobel, Netherlands
- Centre Pompidou – Musee National d’Art Moderne, Paris, France
- Neue Galerie der Stadt, Linz, Austria
- UBS-SBV, Switzerland and Italia
- Samuel P.Harn Museum of Art, Gainesville, Florida, USA
- UNICREDIT, Deutschland
- Autostadt Wolfsburg – Volkswagen Collection, Deutschland
- Vancances Bleues, Paris, France
- Ella Fontanals Cisneros Collection, CIFO, Miami, USA
- The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, USA
- The Hallmark Collection, Kansas City, USA
- AT&T Corporate Collection, USA
- Collection Vanmoerkerke Netherlands