Massimo Vitali

Massimo Vitali nascut al 1944 a Como, Itàlia.
Viu i treballa a Lucca i Berlin.
Massimo Vitali va estudiar fotografia al London College of Printing i va treballar com a reporter gràfic i director de fotografia a pel•lícules i anuncis. Des del 1993 s’aixeca sobre una plataforma a varius metres d’alçada i amb una càmera de gran format a fotografiar platges, discoteques, estacions d’esquí, supermercats i piscines, i altres àrees d’oci concorregudes. Els seus treballs són néts, pàl•lids i detallats quasi de forma asèptica.
- 2022
- Endless Summer Edwynn Houk Gallery, New York
- PHoto ESPAÑA Biblioteca central Cantabria, Santander, España
- 2021
- Pienovuoto, Forte Belvedere - Museo del ‘900, Florence, Italy
- Leporello 2020. No Country for Old Men, Visionarea, Auditorium Conciliazione, Rome
- Ti ho visto Mazzoleni gallery, Turin
- 2020
- Human Constellations, Museo Ettore Fico, Turin
- New Normal, La Fab, Paris, France
- 2019
- Massimo Vitali: Short Stories, Mazzoleni, London
- 2018
- Coastal Colonies Spiral, Tokyo
- 2017
- Disturbed Coastal Systems Benrubi Gallery, New York
- 2016
- Massimo Vitali Ronchini Gallery, London
- 2015
- Massimo Vitali - New Prints Hilger Next, Vienna
- 2014
- Massimo Vitali Studio La Citta, Verona
- 2013
- Between Normalities Bonni Benrubi Gallery, New York
- 2012
- Fotografia Europea 2012, Reggio Emilia, Italia
- PhotoMed, Sanary sur Mer, France
- 2011
- Boni Benrubi Gallery, New York, USA
- Brancolini Grimaldi, London, UK
- LOOK3, Charlottesville, Virginia, USA
- Baró Galería, Sao Paulo, Brazil
- 2010
- Crown Gallery, Brussels, Belgium
- Galerrie du Jour, Paris, France
- M+B, Los Angeles, USA
- Maior Gallery.Festival Music of Benicasim, España
- 2009
- Boni Benrubi Gallery, New York, USA
- Dogenhaus Galerie, Leipzig, Deutschland
- Ernst Hilger Contemporary, Vienna, Austria
- FOAM, Amsterdam, Holland
- 2008
- Crown Gallery, Brussels, Belgium
- galeria SENDA, Barcelona, España
- Bonni Benrubi Gallery, Nueva York, USA
- M+B, Los Angeles, USA
- Galerie Hafenrichter & Flugel, Nuremberg, Deutschland
- 2007
- Vistas, Artcore Gallery – Fabrice Marcolini, Toronto, USA
- Jackson Fine Art, Atlanta, USA
- The Columns Art Centre for Visual and Performing Arts, Seoul, South Korea
- 2006
- Old concepts, New works, Hilger Contemporary Wien, Vienna, Austria
- M+B, Los Angeles, USA
- American Beaches, Brancolini Grimaldi Arte Contemporanea, Roma, Italia
- Playas, Discotecas y Supermercados, galeria SENDA, Barcelona, España
- Rencontres Internationales de la Photo, Arles, France
- Crown Gallery, Brussels, Belgium
- Massimo Vitali e Brian Mckee, Galleria Fabjbasaglia, Rimini, Italia
- 2005
- Bonni Benrubi Gallery, Nueva York, USA
- Massimo Vitali - Fotografie 1995-2005, Lentos Kunstmuseum, Linz, Austria
- La Fábrica Galería, Madrid, España
- 2004
- Centro d’Arte Pecci, Prato, Italy; travels to Bilbao Caixa, Bilbao; PMMK Museum voor Moderne Kunst Oostende, Belgium
- Fundación BBK, Bilbao, España
- Hilger Contemporary, Vienna, Austria
- Luigi Peci Centre for Contemporary Art, Prato, Italia
- Crown Gallery, Brussels, Belgium
- Bonni Benrubi Gallery, Nueva York, USA
- 2003
- Isabella Brancolini Arte Contemporanea, Firenze, Italia
- Galleria CONS ARC, Chiasso, Switzerland
- La Cour d´ecole, Cinematique de Corse, Porto Vecchio, France
- 2001
- Galería Barbara Gillman, Miami, USA
- Arndt & Partner, Berlin, Germany
- Serieuse Zaken, Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Museum of Modern Art/ Hasselblad Foundation, Goteborg, Sweden
- 2000
- Hotel des Arts, Toulon, France
- Espace Malraux, Chambery, France
- Galería Hotel Art, Firenze, Italia
- Arte e Personae, Firenze, Italia
- Crown Gallery, Brussels, Belgium
- Fotohof, Salzburg, Germany
- 1999
- Les Quartz, Brest, France
- Galerie du Jour Agnès B, Paris, France
- 1998
- Rencontres Internationales de la Photo, Arles, France
- Marianne Boesky gallery, New York, USA
- Atheneum, Université de le Bourgogne, Dijon, France
- 1997
- Photographer’s Gallery, London, UK
- Studio Guenzini, Milano, Italia
- 1995
- Spiagge Italiane, Gallerie ConsArc, Chiasso, Switzerland
- 1994
- East German Panoramas, Historisches Archiv der Stadt, Colonia, Deutschland
- 2022
- Foto in Gioco! La Venaria Reale, Turin
- Entre-corps Puzzle Thionville, France
- Ridisegnare lo spazio LABS contemporary art, Bologna
- 2021
- Partance, Villa Théo, Le Lavandeu, France
- The Families of Man, Museo Archeologico Regionale di Aosta
- RIVA Project, MAD Murate Art District, Florence, Italy
- Natura Risponde, Associazione 21 – Ex complesso officine Gay, Lodi
- Electronic: From Kraftwerk to The Chemical Brothers, Design Museum, London
- Civilization: the way we live now, Musée des Civilisations de l’Europe et de la Méditerranée (Mucem), Marseille, France
- 2020
- Shared Space: A New Era, Photographs from the Bank of America Collection, The University Galleries at Florida Atlantic University
- Civilization: the way we live now, Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki, Auckland, New Zealand
- 2019
- Electro. From Kraftwerk to Laurent Garnier Philarmonie de Paris
- Civilization: the way we live now, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing, China
- Civilization: the way we live now, National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia
- L’Italia dei fotografi. 24 storie d’autore M9 Museo del’900, Venezia
- 2018
- Civilization: the way we live now National Museum of Contemporary Art, Seoul
- 2017
- From the Cavern to the Moon Centro Pecci, Prato
- 2016
- Extraordinary Visions. L’Italia ci guarda MAXXI, Roma
- 2015
- Liberi tutti Museo Ettore Fico, Torino
- Industry now Mast Foundation, Bologna
- 2012
- L'insouciance, La Maison Guerlain, Paris, France
- Summer Show, Brancolini Grimaldi, London, UK
- Addio Anni '70. Arte a Milano 1969-1980, Palazzo Reale, Milano, Italia
- The Deep Element: Photography at the Beach, Corcoran Gallery of Art,Washington D.C., USA
- Sense of Place - European Landscape Photography BOZAR Expo, Center for Fine Arts, Brussels, Belgium
- Shared Spaces Photo España, Royal Botanical Gardens, Madrid, España
- Shared Vision: The Sondra Gilman and Celso Gonzalez-Falla Collection of Photography Aperture, New York, USA
- Periphral Visions: Italian Photography in Context, 1950's, Present Hunter College, New York, USA
- Demonstrations - Making Normative Orders Frankfurt Kunstverein, Deutschland
- Sweet and SaltKunsthal, Rotterdam, Netherlands
- 2011
- Festival de Photographie de Deauville, Deauville, France
- Medianoce en la ciudad, Artium, Vitoria, España
- Una prospettiva italiana, Studio la Citta. Verona, Italia
- Baro Galeria, Sao Paulo, Brazil
- Panorama sur les 20 ans d’une collection. Centre Meditarranee de la Photographie, Corsica, France
- 2010
- La Rambla.In/Out. Barcelona, Arts Santa Mónica, Barcelona España
- Steidl. Quand la photo devient livre, La Monnaie, Paris, France
- Detour, The Moleskin Notebook Experience, Bund 18, Shangai, China
- Il Paesaggio italiano in Fotografia, 1950-2000 CRAF, Pordenone, Italia
- Human Rites, Bass Museum, Miami, USA
- PastPresentFuture – Highlights from de UniCredit Group Collection, Yapi Kredi Cultural Center, Istambul, Turkey
- The definition of Self, Design Sight, Tokyo, Japan
- 2009
- Mi vida. From Heaven to Hell. Life experiences in art from MUSAC Collection, Mcsarnok Kunsthalle, Budapest, Hungary
- Kalidoscope d’Italie, Centre National de l’Audiovisuel, Dudelange, Luxembourg
- Dopo La Sicilia, Galleria del Credito Valtellinese, Milano, Italia
- PastPresentFuture – Highlights from the UniCredit Group Collection, Bank Austria, Kunstforum, Vienna, Austria
- Parrworld : The Collection of Martin Parr, Jeu de Paume, Paris, France
- BAM Photography Portfolio III, MIT List Visual Arts Center, Cambridge, USA
- Naturellement Humain, Centre Cultural Joseph Kessel, Villepinte, France
- Nature Nation, Museum on the Seam, Jerusalem, Israel
- Waterland, Galerie Alexandre Cadain, Paris, France
- MI VIDA. From Heaven to Hell, Muecsarnok, Budapest, Hungary
- 2008
- Human/Nature: Recent European Landscape Photography, Nelson Atkins Museum, Kansas, USA
- Las Vegas Collects Contemporary, The Las Vegas Art Museum, Las Vegas, USA
- The Allure of Italy, The Fitchburg Art Museum, Fitchburg, MA, USA
- Lucca Digital Photo Fest, Lucca, Italia
- Join the Crowd, Ronchini Arte Contemporanea, Terni, Italia
- Benicassim. El Festival, Laboratorio 987, MUSAC Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Castilla y León, León, España
- Art is for the Spirit: Works from the UBS Art Collection, Mori Art Museum, Rapponigi Hills Mori Tower, Mato-ku, Tokyo, Japan
- Metamorphosis, Jules Brocherel a Massimo Vitali, Comune di Courmayeur, Italia
- The Good Life, Yancey Richardson Gallery, New York, USA
- 2007
- La vida privada, Colección Joseph María Civit, Centro de Arte y Naturaleza, Huesca, España
- La photographie Construite, Hotel des Arts, Sebastien a Saint Cyr sur Mer, France
- Jano – La dobre cara de la fotografía, fondos de la colección permanente, Museo Nacional Reina Sofía, Madrid, España
- Souvenir dalla Collezione del Centro per l’arte contemporanea Luigi Pecci, Prato, Italia
- Anatomia dell’Irrequietezza: Il mito del viaggio dal Grand Tour all’Era Virtuale, Palazzo Della Permanente, Perugia, Italia
- 2006
- Ballermann. Die Ausstellung, Kunsthalle zu Kiel, Kiel, Deutschland
- See into liquid, curated by Cydney Payton, Museum of Contemporary Art, Denver, USA
- 2005
- Beyond Delirious: Architecture in Selected Photographs from the Ella Fontanals Cisneros Collection, CIFO, Miami, USA
- La Dolce Crisi. Fotografia Contemporanea in Italia, Villa Manin Centro d´Arte Contemporanea, Codroipo, Italia
- Valencia Biennale, Convento Carmen, Valencia, España
- 2004
- Collection Agnès B., Les Abattoirs-Frac Midi-Pyrénées, Toulouse, France
- Nous Remontons de la «Calle» Toutes les Photographies, Galerie du Jour Agnès B., Paris, France
- Italia Space and Places, Galería Robert Mann, New York, USA
- 2003
- Beaufort 2003, Kunst aan zee Triennale Oostende, Belgium
- Undergang, Kunsthall Bergen, Norway
- Melting Pop, Palazzo delle Papesse, Siena, Italia
- Painting Pictures, Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg, Deutschland
- La Montagna Disincantata, Aosta Tour Fromage, Italia
- 2002
- Metamorfosi della realtà, Palazzo Mediceo Fabroni, Pistoia, Italia
- Cache-Cache, Camouflage, MU-DAC, Lausanne, Switzerland
- Trade, Netherlands Foto Institut, Netherlands
- 2001
- Mediterraneo um nuovo muro?, Culturgest, Lisboa, Portugal
- Effetto Provos, Colombo Arte Contemporanea, Milan, Italia
- Kunst und Kur, Kunsthaus Meran, Deutschland
- Arkens Samling, Arken Museet, Denmark
- Trade, Fotomuseum Winterthur, Switzerland
- Centro Trevi, Mutamenti+Analogie, Bolzano, Italia
- Biozones, Forum Culturel Blanc-Mesnil, Bobigny, France
- Contemporary Artist’s of the Mediterranean, Culturgest, Lisboa, Portugal
- Collection 3, FRAC, Alsace, France
- Painterly Photography, Blains Fine Arts, Londres, UK
- 2000
- Tempo!, Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Roma, Italia
- Arte y Tiempo, Centre de Cultura Contemporanea, Barcelona, España
- tois, París, tu m’a pris dans tes bras, Galerie du Jour Agnès B, Paris, France
- PS1, New York, USA
- Künstler für die Natur, WWF, Munich, Deutschland
- La Collection de photographie d’Agnès B, Centre national de la photographie, Paris, France
- Desirs de Rivages, 1ere Biennale Internationale de la Photographie Maritime, Musée Nationale de la Marine, France
- NoConfines, Musei di Porta Romana, Milano, Italia
- Stadt, Land, Mensch, Arndt & Partner, Berlin, Deutschland
- Le Temps Vite, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France
- 1999
- In Uso, Museo Michetti, Francavilla al Mare, Italia
- Maison de la Culture, Amiens, France
- Photography fom the Martin Z. Margulies Collection, The Art Museum at Florida International University, Miami, USA
- 1998
- España 98, Madrid, España
- Un nouveau paysage humain, XXIX Recontres de la Photographie, Arles, France
- Paisagens do quotidiano, Encontros de Fotografia, Coimbra, Portugal
- Italian Photojournalism around 1968, Triennale, Milano, Italia
- Paesaggi Italiani, Galleri degli Uffizi, Firenza, Italia
- 1997
- Un Paese Unico, Alinari, Firenze, Italia
- Postwar italian Photojournalism, Villa Bottini, Lucca, Italia
- Squardigardesani, Museo Civico, Riva del Garda, Italia
- 1993
- Where Olives Grow, Biennale Internazionale di Fotografia, Torino, Italia
- AGO Art Gallery of Ontario, Ontario, Canada
- Conservatoire du Littoral, Paris, France
- Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid, España
- Centro per L’Arte Contemporanea Luigi Pecci, Prato, Italia
- The Solomon Guggenheim Museum, New York, USA
- Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de Castilla y León, León, España
- Belgacom, Brussels, Belgium
- Fondazione Sandretto Rebaudengo, Guarene, Torino, Italia
- Metropolitan Bank Trust Photo Collection, Chicago, USA
- MMK Frankfurt am Main, Sammlung E-On, Düsseldorf, Deutschland
- Museum of Contemporary Art, Denver, USA
- Agnes B., Paris, France
- Fortis Bank, Deutschland
- FRAC, Alsace, France
- ABN Amro, Netherlands
- Arken Museum, Denmark
- Akzo Nobel, Netherlands
- Centre Pompidou – Musee National d’Art Moderne, Paris, France
- Neue Galerie der Stadt, Linz, Austria
- UBS-SBV, Switzerland and Italia
- Samuel P.Harn Museum of Art, Gainesville, Florida, USA
- UNICREDIT, Deutschland
- Autostadt Wolfsburg – Volkswagen Collection, Deutschland
- Vancances Bleues, Paris, France
- Ella Fontanals Cisneros Collection, CIFO, Miami, USA
- The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, USA
- The Hallmark Collection, Kansas City, USA
- AT&T Corporate Collection, USA
- Collection Vanmoerkerke Netherlands