Donald Sultan

Donald Sultan nascut el 1951 a Asheville, Carolina del Nord
Actualment viu i treballa a Nova York
Donald Sultan combina els mitjans de pintura, impressió i escultura per construir quadres elegants a través d'ús de materials industrials com el quitrà, linòleum, alumini, guix i esmalt.
Les seves estructurades obres són alhora abstractes i representatives amb imatges ràpidament recognoscibles com va ser la sèrie dels "Desastres", pintures que se centraven en la indústria, la guerra i les catàstrofes provocades per l'home.
Però al llarg dels anys, ha reinventat la natura morta amb imatges de llimones, roselles, fruites i flors i objectes quotidians.
La seva obra s'interessa en el contrast, Sultan explora les dicotomies de la bellesa i rugositat, la naturalesa i l'artificial, el realisme i l'abstracció.
- 2021
- Galeria Senda
- 2017
- “Button Down Modernism” Galerie Andres Thalmann, Zurich, Switzerland.
- 2016
- Traveling Exhibition: “Donald Sultan: The Disaster Paintings;” Lowe Art Museum, University of Miami, Coral Gables
- Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, Fort Worth, Texas
- The Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington, DC
- North Carolina Museum of Art, Raleigh, NC
- “Donald Sultan: New Paintings,” Ryan Lee Gallery, New York, New York
- 2015
- “Donald Sultan” Galeria Freites, Caracas, Venezuela
- “Donald Sultan” Galerie Forsblom, Helinski, Finland
- “New Works: Poppies, Mimosas and Buttons" Meyerovich Gallery, San Fransisco, CA
- 2014
- “Floral Constructions,” Vertu Fine Art, Boca Raton, FL
- “Donald Sultan: Artiface" Ryan Lee Gallery, New York, NY
- "Donald Sultan : A Decade of Paintings and Drawings”, Serge Sorokko Gallery, San Francisco, CA
- 2013
- “Echos” Galerie Piece Unique, Paris, France
- 2012
- "Donald Sultan" The Drawing Room, East Hampton, NY
- 2011
- “Soot and Shine: New Works” Mary Ryan Gallery, New York, NY
- “Donald Sultan: New Works” Meredith Long Gallery, Houston, TX
- 2009
- “Donald Sultan: Prints” Mary Ryan Gallery, New YOrk
- “Donald Sultan: The First Decade” Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati, Ohio:
- “Donald Sultan” Galerie Ernst Hilger, Vienna, Austria
- “Donald Sultan” Ben Brown Fine Arts, London, England
- 2008
- “Donald Sultan: Artificial Images” Aidan Gallery, Moscow, Russia
- “Donald Sultan: Drawings” Forsblom Gallery, Helsinki, Finland
- 2007
- “Donald Sultan” Guy Pieters Gallery, Knokke-Heist, Belgium
- Meredith Long Gallery, Houston, TX “Donald Sultan: New Work”
- 2006
- “Donald Sultan: New Paintings” Galerie Forsblom, Helsinki, Finland
- “Donald Sultan: Colors, Smoke and War” Mary Ryan Gallery, New York, NY
- 2005
- “New Paintings” Baldwin Gallery, Aspen, CO
- “Donald Sultan: Paintings and Works on Paper” Centre Cultural Contemporani Pelaires, Mallorca, Spain
- 2004
- “Donald Sultan” Meredith Long Gallery, Houston, Texas
- "Donald Sultan: Prints & Drawings” Singapore Tyler Print Institute, Singapore
- “Donald Sultan: New Poppy Paintings” Ameringer & Yohe Fine Art, New York, NY
- 2003
- “Donald Sultan: Poppy Paintings" Knoedler & Company, New York, NY
- “Donald Sultan: Poppies, Oranges & Mimosas: New Prints and Drawings” Mary Ryan Gallery, New York, NY
- “Donald Sultan” Galerie Forsblom, Helsinki, Finland:
- 2002
- “Donald Sultan” Imago Galleries, Palm Desert, CA
- “Donald Sultan: Painting Life’s Paradoxes” Louise Cameron Wells Art Museum, Wilmington, NC
- 2001
- “Donald Sultan, 10 Paintings” Baldwin Gallery, Aspen, Colorado
- “Donald Sultan, Smoke Rings” Dorothy Blau Gallery, Bay Harbor Islands, Florida
- “Donald Sultan Recent Works” Stephen F. Austin State University, Nacogdoches, Texas
- 2000
- “Donald Sultan – Selected Drawings 1976 – 1998” Hill Gallery, Birmingham, Michigan
- Traveling exhibition: “Donald Sultan: In the Still-Life Tradition” Memphis Brooks Museum of Art, Memphis, Tennessee.
- Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
- Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art, Scottsdale, Arizona
- “New Works” Winston Wachter Fine Art, Seattle, Washington
- “Donald Sultan: Paintings & Drawings” Galerie Simonne Stern, New Orleans, Louisiana
- "Donald Sultan: Recent Prints and Drawings” Mary Ryan Gallery, New York, New York
- “Bar Mitzvah” The Jewish Museum – New York, NY
- 1998
- “Donald Sultan” Galerie Lutz Thalmann. – Zurich, Switzerland:
- “Donald Sultan” Baldwin Gallery – Aspen, Colorado
- “Donald Sultan, New Paintings and Drawings” Turner & Runyon Gallery, Dallas Texas
- “Donald Sultan, Recent Work" Galleria Lawrence Rubin, Milano, Italy
- 2015
- "August Flowers" James Barron Art, Kent Gallery, Kent, Connecticut:
- “Antropia” Eduardo Secci Contemporary, Pietrasanta, Italy
- “Screenprints, Silkscreens, and Serigraphs” Mary Ryan Gallery, New York, New York
- 2013
- “New Work”, The Drawing Room, East Hampton, New York
- “Summer Salad” Janet Borden, INC., New York, New York
- 2012
- "Cross- Border” Galerie Andres-Thalmann, Engadine, Switzerland
- “Color Works” Heather Gaudio Fine Art, Greenwich, Connecticut
- “New Season, New Address” The Drawing Room, East Hampton, New York
- 2011
- “Celebrated Artists: Students of Marvin Saltzman” The Mahler Fine Art, Raleigh, North Carolina
- “American Chambers”, Gyeongnam Art Museum, Changwon, Korea
- 2010
- “Winter Show”, Galerie Andres-Thalmann, Engadine, Switzerland
- “Exquisite Corpse”, Gasser-Grunert Gallery, New York, New York:
- 2009
- “Fifty Works for the First State: Works from the Dorothy and Howard Vogel Collection” Delaware Art Museum, Wilmington, Delaware:
- 2008
- “Here’s The Thing: the Single Object Still Life” Katonah Museum of Art, Katonah, New York
- “Gifted: Recent Additions to the Permanent Collection” Delaware Art Museum, Wilmington, Delaware:
- 2007
- “Landscape: Form and Thought”, Ingrao Gallery, New York, New York
- “Substance and Surface”, Bortolami Gallery, New York, New York
- 2006
- "Garden Paradise” The Arsenal Gallery, New York, New York
- “Neil Jenney + Donald Sultan: The Art Bar" Ingrao Gallery, New York, New York
- “The Food Show: The Hungry Eye” Chelsea Art Museum, New York, New York:
- 2003
- “Drawing Relationships" Knoedler & Company, New York, New York
- 2002
- “Contemporary American Art: Art in Embassies Program” Embassy of the United States of America, Vienna
- “Art Downtown” Wall Street Rising at 45 Wall Street, New York, New York
- 2001
- “Celebrating Modern Art: The Anderson Collection” SFMOMA, San Francisco, California
- “Cote d’Azur: Art, Modernity and the Myth of the French Riviera” AXA Gallery, New York, New York:
- “Digital Printmaking Now” Brooklyn Museum of Art, Brooklyn, New York
- 2000
- “Especes d’Arbres: Visions of Nature in Contemporary Art" Denise Cade Gallery, New York, New York:
- “Art of the 80’s” Winston Wachter Mayer Fine Art, New York, New York
- Summer 2000 Prints" David Adamson Gallery, Washington D.C.
- 2011
- Lifetime Achievement Award, Houston Fine Art Fair, Houston, Texas
- 2010
- North Carolina Award for the Arts North Carolina
- 2007
- Honorary doctorate degree, University of North Carolina, Asheville
- 2002
- Honorary doctorate degree, New York Academy of Art, NY
- 2000
- Honorary doctorate degree, Corcoran School of Art, Washington, D.C.
- 1992
- Distinguished Alumnus Award, University of North Carolina
- 1980
- National Endowment for the Arts Visual Artist Fellowship
- 1979
- Creative Artists Public Service Grant, New York
- International Modern Art Foundation, Belgium
- The Ackland Art Museum, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
- Addison Gallery of American Art, Andover, Massachusetts
- Albright Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, New York
- The Art Institute of Chicago, Illinois
- Australian National Gallery, Australia
- Cincinnati Art Museum, Cincinnati, Ohio
- Cleveland Art Museum, Cleveland, Ohio
- Dallas Museum of Fine Arts, Texas
- Denver Art Museum, Denver Colorado
- Ludwig Museum Budapest, Hungary
- Kitakyushu Municipal Museum of Art, Tobataku Kitakyushu, Japan
- The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
- The Modern Museum of Art, New York
- The Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo, Japan
- Nelson – Atkins Museum, Kansas City, Missouri
- Singapore Museum of Art, Singapore
- The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York
- The St. Louis Art Museum, Missouri
- Tate Gallery, London
- Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota