Eve Sussman &
Rufus Corp.
Eve Sussman & Rufus Corp.

Eve Sussman nascuda al 1961 a Londres, Regne Unit.
Viu i treballa a Brooklyn, Estats Units.
Eve Sussman és una artista londinenca que resideix a Brooklyn, New York. Va estudiar al Robert College a Istanbul, a la Universitat de Canterbury, i al Bennington College. Durant la seva intensa carrera ha realitzat instal•lacions en les quals s’ha especialitzat en videoart i hi ha recorregut al “cinéma-vérité”. Sota el nom de Rufus Corporation, un col•lectiu d’artistes i performers, ha seguit dirigint pel•lícules reconegudes per les seves exuberants narratives que combinen un imaginari luxós, canvis de temps, velocitat i inclús al•lusions a la història de l’art.
- 2015
- Watch This! Revelations in Media Art, Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington D.C., USA Curated by Michael Mansfield.
- 2014
- Total Art: Contemporary Video, National Museum for Women in the Arts, Washington D.C., USA. Curated by Kathryn Wat
- 2013
- Eve Sussman & Simon Lee (Title TBD), Musée Contemporain d'Art de Montreal, Canda. Curated by Lesley Johnstone
- More Real? Art in the Age of Truthiness, SITE Santa Fe, NM, USA. Curated by Elizabeth Armstrong
- More Real? Art in the Age of Truthiness, Minneapolis Institute of Arts, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. Curated by Elizabeth Armstrong.
- 89 seconds at Alcázar, Leeum Sammsung Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea. Curated by Kyunghwa Koo
- Bass Museum of Art, Miami beach, Florida, USA. Curated by Silvia Cubina
- 2012
- San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, USA. Curated by Frank Smigiel
- whiteonwhite:algorithmicnoir, Aurora Picture Show and Houston Cinema Arts Festival,Houston, TX, USA.
- whiteonwhite:algorithmicnoir, Sundance Film Festival – New Frontier Feature Yarrow Hotel Theater, Park City, UT, USA
- Time Lapse, SITE Santa Fe, NM, USA. Co-curated by Irene Hofmann and Janet Dees
- 2011
- Boundaries Obscured, Haunch of Venison, NY, USA.
- whiteonwhite:algorithmicnoir with Photos by Simon Lee, Cristin Tierney Gallery, New York, USA
- whiteonwhite:algorithmicnoir, Toronto International Film Festival – Future Projections NFB Mediatheque, Canada.
- whiteonwhite:algorithmicnoir (and other works from the expedition), Haunch of Venison London, United Kingdom. Curated by Nina Miall
- Space About a Dream (Installation of Yuri's Office), Kunsthalle Wien, Austria. Curated by Cathérine Hug
- Il Ratto Delle Sabine, Impronte Contemporary Art Milan, Italy. Curated by Laura Bulian
- 2010
- whiteonwhite:algorithmicthriller, The Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, TX, USA. Curated by Terri Thornton
- Rape of the Sabine Women Haunch of Venison, New York, USA. Curated by Emilio Steinberger
- Yuri's Office, The Art Galleries at TCU, Fort Worth, Texas, USA
- White on White: a random thriller + other works from the expedition & Photos by Simon Lee, Gallerie Bo Bjerggaard Copenhagen, Denmark
- White on White: a random thriller & Photos by Simon Lee, Galeria SENDA Barcelona, España.
- Calling Beauty, Curated by James Voorhies. Columbus, OH, USA
- 2009
- White on White: The Pilot, Winkleman Gallery, NYC, USA
- Themes and Variations: On the Use of Repetition in 21st Century Art, New York, NY, USA
- The Endless Renaissance, Bass Museum of Art Miami, FL, USA. curated by Steve Holmes
- Eve Sussman & The Rufus Corporation, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Denmark. curated by Helle Crenzien
- 2008
- Eve Sussman: Division of Art, Henry Art Gallery Seattle, WA, USA.
- 2007
- 89 seconds at Alcázar & other works, Centre for Contemporary Art Thessaloniki, Greece
- 2006
- 89 seconds at Alcázar, National Gallery London, United Kingdom
- 89 seconds at Alcázar, Govett-Brewster Art Gallery New Plymouth, New Zealand
- 89 seconds at Alcázar, Powerplant Toronto, Canada
- 89 seconds at Alcázar, Museo Nacional de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid, España
- 89 seconds at Alcázar, Weatherspoon Art Museum, South Carolinia, USA
- 2022
- Photo on view Galleri Bo Bjerggaard, Copenhagen
- 2021
- The BIG picture Fitchburg Art Museum
- 2019
- People Get Ready: Building a Contemporary Collection The Nasher Museum of Art at Duke University
- 2017
- The Minneapolis Institute of Arts Whitechapel Art Gallery, London
- 2013
- More Real? Art in the Age of Truthiness Site Santa Fe
- The Minneapolis Institute of Arts
- 2012
- The Uncanny Nusser & Baumgart, Munich
- 2011
- Embarrassment of Riches: Picturing Global Wealth The Minneapolis Institute of Arts, Minneapolis
- 2010
- Day and Night - Copenhagen Photo Festival Copenhagen Photo Festival, Copenhagen
- 2009
- Adaptation: Video Installations Henry Art Gallery, Seattle
- 2008
- Adaptation: Video Installations The David and Alfred Smart Museum of Art, Chicago
- 2007
- Dresscode Historisches und Völkerkundemuseum, Switzerland
- The Last Seduction - A Welcome Surrender to Beauty Carrie Secrist Gallery, Chicago
- Beauty spot Galerie Alexandra Saheb, Berlin
- Replaying Narrative - Le Mois de la Photo à Montréal MOMENTA I Biennale de l'image
- 2006
- The Kids are Alright, Photography and works on paper Galerie Gabriel Rolt
- 2005
- Reinstallation of The Museum of Modern Art's Collection MoMa, New York
- 2004
- Whitney Biennal Exhibition Whitney Museum of American Art, New York
- The Nasher Museum of Art at Duke University
- The Smart Museum of Art at the University of Chicago USA
- Centro Gallego de Arte Contemporaneo España
- Fundación “la Caixa” Barcelona
- Bank of America USA
- The Collection of Ninah and Michael Lynne
- The Collection of Mickey and Jeanne Klein
- The Collection of Emilio Pi and Helena Fernandino
- The Richard Massey Collection