Ola Kolehmainen

Ola Kolehmainen nascut al 1964 a Helsinki, Finlàndia.
Viu i treballa a Helsinki, Finlàndia.
Crèdit Imatge: Liro Mikkola
El fotògraf finlandès Ola Kolehmainen es va graduar del Departament de Periodisme de la Universitat de Helsinki el 1992, i va tenir la seva primera individual a 1994. A 1999, es va graduar del MA en Fotografía a la Universitat d'Art i Disseny de Helsinki (actualmente Aalto University). Kolehmainen escull fotografies de gran format, detalls de façana, i elements de llocs interiors. En contraste amb l'arquitectura fotogràfica, no li interessa que els edificis siguin reconeguts. Per mitjans d'una sel•lecció de detalls, crea el seu propi estil que es converteix en composicions abstractes.
- 2021
- Mvsevm Galerie Nikolaus Ruzicska - Salzburg, Austria
- 2020
- Back to square black - Experimental works Galerie Forsblom - Helsinki, Finland
- 2019
- Coeln, cathedral of light Contemporary, St. Joseph Chapel - Cologne, Germany
- Sacred places Mirko Mayer Gallery, Cologne, Germany
- 2018
- Sacred spaces contemporary art projects - Stavanger, Norway
- Galerie der moderne Munich, Germany
- 2017
- Spanish Works Galería Senda, Barcelona, Spain
- Borusan Contemporary Istambul Istanbul, Turkey
- Sacred spaces Helsinki Art Museum, Helsinki, Finland
- Sketches of Spain, studio sessions Galerie Forsblom, Helsinki, Finland
- Sinan project Borusan Contemporary, Istanbul,Turkey
- It never entered my mind Gallery Brandstrup, Oslo, Norway
- Sketches of Spain Galeria Senda, Barcelona
- Pitzhanger Manor House & Gallery London, UK
- Encounters with aalto Jacksons Design, Berlin, Germany
- 2015
- Ola Kolehmainen Purdy Hicks Gallery, London
- Sense of Volume Galerie Forsblum, Helsinki
- 2014
- Kompositionen mit Licht und Zeit, Stefan Vogdt/Galerie der Moderne, München, Germany
- Reason and Intuition, Museum Pitzhanger Manor Hause and Gallery, London, United Kingdom
- Geometric Light - including color installation by Sauerbruch-Hutton Architects, Haus am Waldsee Museum, Berlin, Germany
- 2012
- The First Kyiv International Biennale of Contemporary Art, Arsenale 2012, Kiev, Ukraine
- Traditions, Galerie Forsblom, Helsinki, Finland
- Enlightenment, Alvar Aalto Museum, Jyväskylä, Finland
- Galerie Brandstrup, Oslo, Norway
- 2011
- Gallery TaiK, Bergstrasse, Berlin, Germany
- Gallery TaiK, Lindenstrasse, Berlin, Germany
- 2010
- 17th Biennale of Sydney - Site specific installation, Sydney, Australia
- 2009
- A Building is not a Building, KIASMA, Museum of Contemporary Art, Helsinki, Finland
- The National Museum of Photography, Copenhagen, Denmark
- New Art Gallery Walsall, Museum of Contemporary Art, Walsall, United Kingdom
- Galería Vanguardia, Bilbao, España
- Galerie Brandstrup, Oslo, Norway
- Alvar Aalto Galería Senda
- A Building is not a Building KUNTSI, Museum of Modern Art, Waasa, Finland
- 2008
- Purdy Hicks Gallery, London, United Kingdom
- Galerie Koal, Berlin, Germany
- Galeria Senda, Barcelona, España
- 2007
- Mirrors and Windows, Sint-Lukasgalerij, Brussels, Begium
- Ola Kolehmainen and Pertti Kekarainen, Galleri Brandstrup, Oslo, Norway
- 2006
- Espace des deux arbres, Artothèque de Caen, Caen, France
- Fraction, Abstraction, Recreation, Galería Salvador Díaz, Madrid, España
- Arquitectura en dos dimensiones SEA, Castillo de Santa Bárbara, Alicante, Spain
- 2005
- Space is Unknown, Galerie Dominique Fiat, Paris, France
- Minimalism is my great love artfinder Galerie, Hamburg, Germany
- 2004
- Search for Mastery, Galerie Neii Licht, Dudelange, Luxembourg
- Search for Mastery, Museum Waldhof, Kunstverein Bielefeld, Bielefeld, Germany
- Construction II, Galerie sphn, Berlin, Germany
- Construction Galerie Anhava, Helsinki, Finland
- 2003
- The Yellow Staircase site-specific public work comissioned by Helsinki Festivals, Finland
- 2001
- Golden Hall i8 galleri, Reykjavik, Iceland
- 2000
- Pyramid Gallery installation, Gallería Kari Kenetti, Helsinki, Finland
- 1999
- Portaikko-Trappan gallery installation, Galleria Kari Kenetti, Helsinki, Finland
- 1998
- Temple gallery installation, Kluuvi Gallery, Helsinki, Finland
- 1997
- Exitus Rantagalleria, Oulu, Finland
- 1996
- Exitus, Laterna Magica, Helsinki, Finland
- 1995
- Gallery installation, Gallery Finnfoto, Helsinki, Finland
- 2020
- State of mind. State of being Mirko Mayer Gallery (duo) - Cologne, Germany
- Inspiration Stockholm’s National Museum (Stockholm, Sweden) ; Ateneum (Helsinki, Finland)
- Grandeur and Distance Borusan Contemporary - Istanbul, Turkey
- Abstract Art Miettinen Collection - Berlin, Germany
- 2018
- Unboxing photographs Staatliche Museen zu Berlin - Berlin, Germany
- 2016
- Berlin Raum Radar. New architecture photography Neue West, Berlin, Germany
- 2015
- Summer Exhibition. Gallery Artists Purdy Hicks Gallery, London, UK
- Freude schöner Götter Funken Galerie Abtart, Stuttgart, Germany
- The Alvar Aalto Library of Vyborg Salon Dahlmann, Berlin, Germany
- Lichtbild und Datenbild. Spuren Kronkreter Fotografie Museum in Kulturspeicher Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany
- 2014
- Verzweight. Bäume in der zeitgenössischen Kunst Altana Kulturstiftung / Sincllair - Haus, Bad Homburg, Germany
- Swedish Grace, Jacksons Desgin, Berlin, Germany
- Le vol en provence d’Helsinki, Le19 Centre Régional d’Art Contemporain, Montelébiard, France
- Art from Elsewhere, Gallery of Modern Art, Glasgow, United Kingdom
- Summer Group Show, Gallery Bryce Wolkowitz, New York City, USA
- Topological Constellation Art and Architecture I, DNA Galerie, Berlin, Germany
- Within / Beyond Borders, European Investment Bank & Banco de Portugal, Lisbon, Portugal
- Encounters with Aalto Jacksons Desgin, Berlin, Germany
- Spuren der Moderne, Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg, Wolfsburg, Germany
- 2013
- Inside Outside Architecture, Nasjonalmuseet for Kunst, Oslo, Norway
- Now and Then - the first five countries of the ECB’s exhibition series, European Central Bank, Frankfurt, Germany
- If Walls Could Speak, Huize Frankendael, Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Stadt in Sicht - Werke aus der Sammlung Deutsche Bank, Museum Ostwall im Dortmunder U, Dortmund, Germany
- Metropolis: Reflections on the modern city, Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery, Waterhall, Birmingham, United Kingdom
- 2012
- Alles nur Fassade? Architektur als Abstraktion, Galerie Beck & Eggeling, Düsseldorf, Germany
- Helsinki Abstract, Curated by Olaf O. Becker. Galerie Ruzicska, Salzburg, Austria
- Segment 1A, Borusan Collection, Istanbul, Turkey
- 2011
- Helsinki School. Group Show, Curated by Timothy Persons, Christophe Guye Galerie, Zurich, Switzerland
- Purdy Hicks Gallery, London, United Kingdom
- Facade: Through a Glass Darkly, National Glass Centre, Sunderland, United Kingdom
- Verortung. Die Frage nach dem Raum in der zeitgenössischen Kunst. Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg, Germany
- Galerie Forsblom Four Positions, Helsinki, Finland
- 2010
- Export — Import, Taidehalli Helsinki, Finland
- Daegu Photo Biennale 2010, The Helsinki School, Daegu, South Korea
- 2009
- Auf der Spitze des Eisbergs — Neue Fotografie aus Finnland, Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg, Germany
- 2008
- Mois de la Photo, Galerie Baudoin Lebon, Paris, France
- En Privat 1, Es Baluard, Museu d’Art Modern i Contemporani de Palma, Palma de Mallorca, España
- Colour Urban Structures, Galerie Artfinder, Hamburg, Germany
- Artistas y Fotógrafos — Imágenes para una colección, Museo de Madrid Arte Contemporáneo, Madrid, Spain
- Nessuna onda può pettinare il mare, Fotografia Italiana, Milano, Italia
- 2007
- Drei Farben — Weiss, Thema: Equality, XIV. Rohkunstbau, Schloss Gross Leuthen, Spreewald, Germany
- Boogie Woogie — Art and Jazz, Kunsthalle Helsinki, Finland
- Stadtfinden — Moderne: A virtual tour through Interbau 1957, (International Architecture Exhibition), Berlin, Germany
- Helsinki School, Finnish Museum of Photography, Helsinki, Finland
- The Helsinki School of Photography, Purdy Hicks Gallery, London, United Kingdom
- Photo Finnish: The Helsinki School, Stenersen Museum, Oslo, Norway
- 2006
- Intersection — Between Past and Future, Pori Art Museum, Finland
- Ideal Cities — Invisible Cities, Zamosc, Poland and Potsdam, Germany
- 1 2 3 4, the Architecture of Sauerbruch Hutton, Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich, Germany
- Minimal Quotation, Artfinder Galerie, Hamburg, Germany
- The Helsinki School, Hôtel de Ville de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium
- Dialogue Helsinki School, Langhans Galerie Praha, Prague, Czech Republic
- Helsinki School, Borås Konst Museum, Borås, Sweden
- Nordic Cut, Helsinki School, Art Pavilion, Zagreb, Croatia
- Opterracuna: Anton Henning, Ole Kolehmainen, Sven Kroner, Anj Smith, Robert Miller Gallery, New York, USA
- 2005
- Premio Extraordinario de Fotografia, Fundacion Aena, Madrid, España
- The Helsinki School — A New Approach, Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin, Germany
- The Helsinki School — A New Approach, Kulturhuset, Stockholm, Sweden
- 2004
- Galería Salvador Díaz, Madrid, España
- Made in Berlin, Art Forum Berlin, Germany
- roellin|duerr galerie, St. Gallen, Switzerland
- The Helsinki School, Museet for Fotokunst, Brandts Klædefabrik, Odense, Denmark
- 30 by TaiK, The Helsinki School — A New Approach, Finnish Museum of Photography, Helsinki, Finland
- 2002
- Le Bâti et le Vivant (The Built and the Living), Chapelle du Rham, Luxembourg
- Brussels — Helsinki, La Maison d’Art Actuel des Chartreux, Brussels, Belgium
- Helsinki — Brussels, Valkoinen Sali, Helsinki, Finland
- New Pictures — Brotherus, Kella, Kolehmainen, Lajunen, Parantainen, Helsinki City Art Museum, Helsinki, Finland
- Northern Spell, Finnish Embassy, Washington D.C., USA
- Toronto University Art Center, Toronto, Canada
- Kuvitelmia/Fantasies, Sara Hildén Art Museum, Tampere, Finland
- 2001
- Magnetic North, The New Art Gallery Walsall, Walsall, United Kingdom
- Finnish Photography, Gallery Christian Dam, Copenhagen, Denmark
- Gallery Christian Dam, Oslo, Sweden
- 2000
- 100 Show: 90 Designers —10 Artists, Helsinki, Finland
- 1999
- Tila — Espaces, Maison Européenne de la Photographie, Paris, France
- Spaces, Finnish Museum of Photography, Helsinki, Finland
- 1998
- Blue You, Into Gallery, Helsinki, Finland
- Me, Myself and I, Bensow House, Helsinki, Finland
- 1996
- Photography Finlandia Award, Helsinki, Finland
- European Photography Award, Bad Homburg, Germany
- 2015
- Awarded RIBA Honorary Fellowship, Royal Institute of British Architects, United Kingdom
- 2014
- Artist In Residence, Goethe Institute, Istanbul, Turkey
- Espoo Art Museum, Finland
- Finnish Museum of Photography, Helsinki, Finland
- Helsinki City Art Museum, Finland
- Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art, Helsinki, Finland
- Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg Collection, Germany
- Malmö Art Museum, Sweden
- The National Museum of Art, Oslo, Norway
- The National Museum of Photography, Denmark
- Borusan Collection, Istambul, Turkey
- The City of Madrid Collection, Madrid, España
- City of Muurame, Finland
- Deutsche Bank, Germany and Great Britain
- DZ Bank, Germany
- European Central Bank Collection, Belgium
- European Investment Bank, Luxembourg
- Fundación Centro Ordóñez-Falcón de Fotografía, España
- Saastamoinen Foundation, Espoo, Finland
- Societé Générale Collection, Paris, France
- State Art Council, Stockholm, Sweden
- State of Finland, Finland
- Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation, Rovaniemi, Finland
Metropoli Abierta, El desnudo integral de los templos sagrados, 2018

DB-artmag.com, 2006