Space. From 12 Dec, 2024 to 08 Feb, 2025

Peter Halley at SENDA to celebrate more than thirty years of collaboration.

Opening:12 Dic, 2024

Artist/s involved:


Celebrating more than thirty years of fruitful collaboration with galeria SENDA, New Yorker Peter Halley presents an exhibition specifically conceived for the venue, consisting of a monumental mural work that contrasts with a carefully selected collection of pieces of a singular small format. For this show, Halley proposes a transformation of the gallery space, establishing a counterpoint through the dialogue between a series of compositions in which their movement and structures confront the striking painting “The Long Game”, the work that gives its name to the exhibition.

The exhibition is structured around a group of eight small-format works, which, together with a large-scale piece, propose a visual game that invites the viewer to explore the confrontational relationships between the different works. This last creation, approximately five meters wide, represents the largest work that Peter Halley has shown to date in the gallery, standing out for its ability to transform the exhibition space and conceive the show as a whole. It is also characterized by an accumulation of its iconic cells and prisons, evoking the experience of urban life always referenced.

In addition, this exhibition at galeria SENDA temporarily coincides with the outstanding retrospective dedicated to Peter Halley at the Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza in Madrid, entitled «Peter Halley in Spain», which brings together a significant selection of paintings from important public and private collections, including those of the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía and the Fundación Hortensia Herrero. The combination of both exhibitions, in Barcelona and Madrid, offer a broad and deep vision of Halley‘s work, reaffirming his relevance in the contemporary art scene.


Press release

La Vanguardia article

Las Nueve Musas article

"Yellow Prison" (2024). 91,44 x 91,44 cm
Room view
Room view
"White Prison" (2024). 91,44 x 91,44 cm
Room view
Room view
"Red Prison" (2024). 91,44 x 91,44 cm
Room view
Room view
"Purple Prison" (2024). 106,68 x 91,44 cm
Room view
Room view
"Orange Prison" (2024). 106,68 x 76,2 cm
Room view
Room view
"Green Prison" (2024). 91,44 x 91,44 cm
Room view
Room view
"Blue Prison" (2024). 91,44 x 91,44 cm
Room view
Room view
"Black Prison" (2024). 91,44 x 91,44 cm
Room view
Room view
"The Long Game" (2024). 187 x 488 x 10 cm
Room view
Room view
Detail of
Detail of "The Long Game"
Room view
Room view
Detail of
Detail of "The Long Game"