James Clar

James Clar nacido en 1979 en Wisconsin, Estados Unidos.
Vive y trabaja en Tokyo y Nueva York
James Clar es un artista norteamericano. Tras haber estudiado telecomunicaciones, cine y animación en la Universidad de Nueva York, comenzó a experimentar con la luz y la televisión. Desarrolló sus propios sistemas visuales, transformando los píxeles de la pantalla en esculturas. Su obra parte del propósito de “digitalizar” las condiciones humanas, socio-culturales, y políticas. De esta forma, analiza y observa los efectos de los medios de comunicación y la tecnología en la modificación de la conducta humana y la sociedad, con un enfoque en nuestra percepción de la cultura, la nacionalidad, y la identidad.
- 2022
- The possibles SENDA Gallery, Barcelona, Spain
- 2021
- Teach me how to fight Silverlens Gallery, Manila, Philippines
- Space folding Praise Shadows Art, Boston, US
- 2020
- Press reset Jane Lombard Gallery, NY, US
- Noise Field #1b Art Fair Philippines, Manila, Philippines
- 2019
- Noise Field #1 Silverlens Gallery, Manila, Philippines
- Dynamic Entities Jane Lombard Gallery, Untitled Art Fair, Miami, US
- Gravitational Collapse One Liberty Plaza, NY, US
- 2018
- The World Never Ends, Jane Lombard Gallery, New York
- 2017
- Distant Lights, Strongroom, Newburg NY
- Volta NY: Anthony Goicolea and James Clar by Galeria SENDa Volta NY, New York
- 2016
- False Awakenings, Jane Lombard Gallery, New York
- 2015
- Double Rainbow All The Way Carbon 12, Dubai
- 2014
- SEEK Carroll / Fletcher, London, United Kingdom
- All everything Parasol unit for contemporary art, London
- 2013
- Data Packets, galeria SENDA, Barcelona, España
- 2012
- Iris Was A Pupil, Carbon12 Gallery, Dubai, UAE
- 2011
- ART FUTURES, ART HK 11, Hong Kong
- 2010
- What Goes Around Comes Around, Caprice Horn, Berlin, Deutschland
- Acceleration, Art Dubai, Dubai, UAE
- 2009
- For Your Eyes Only, Traffic, Dubai, UAE
- 2008
- Galerie Roger Tator, Festival of Light, Lyon, France
- 2007
- Lab [AU], Brussels, Belgium
- 2006
- SubSpace South, Memphis, USA
- Material Art Gallery, Memphis, USA
- 2021
- Winter Light 2021 Southbank Centre, London, UK
- Light Upon Light: Light Art Since the 1960s Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
- Portrait of a Nation II Abu Dhabi, UAE
- 2020
- Anticipating the Day Silverlens, Manila
- 100 Ways to Live a Minute Pushkin Museum, Moscow, Russia
- Domestic Odysseys Galeria Senda, Barcelona, Spain
- In Celebration of the Natural World Jane Lombrad Gallery, New York, United States
- The Surviving Image Galeria Senda, Barcelona
- Winter Light 2020 Southbank Centre, London, UK
- 2019
- Error de Cálculo Galería Impakto, Lima, Peru
- Memories of the Earth 870 Park Ave., New York, United States
- Fifth World Problems Studio 525, New York, United States
- Gravitational Collapse One Liberty Plaza, New York, United States
- Speaking Power to (Post) Truth Jane Lombard Gallery, New York, United States
- Dallas Art Fair Jane Lombard Gallery, Dallas, US
- 2018
- Prism: the art and science of light Glucksman Museum, Ireland
- Wavelength Powerlong Museum, Shanghai, China
- Plugin Contemporary Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey
- Light CoAD Gallery at NJIT, New Jersey, United States
- Transmission Galerie Huit, Hong Kong, China
- UNTITLED Jane Lombard Gallery, San Francisco, United States
- 2017
- Synthesize: Art + Music Museum of Contemporary Art, Jacksonville, United States
- Day for Night Houston, United States
- Flatland Mana BSMT, Miami, United States
- Looking at One Thing and Thinking of Something Else: Part 3 Carroll/Fletcher, London, United Kingdom
- Color Creation Col·lab gallery at Tokyo Polytechnic University, Tokyo, Japan
- No Vacancy II, Alt+Esc Curated Show Squat Gallery, Brooklyn, United States
- Letters... Athr Gallery, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
- That's Not It Mana Contemporary BSMT, New Jersey
- 2016
- Colección olorVISUAL Can Framis, Barcelona, Spain
- Looking at One Thing and Thinking of Something Else: Part 2 Carrol/Fletcher, London, United Kingdom
- Slipping Tripping Falling Flipping Meet 3D Dubai, Dubai, UAE
- 2015
- This Is Not A Love Song, Pera Museum, Istanbul
- "Desire" selections from the collection Borusan, Istanbul
- Second Hand Emotions curated by Carson Chan Dallas Aurora, Dallas
- Peace Minus One, Seoul Museum of Art, Korea
- Smoke And Mirrors, Museum of Contemporary Art, Jacksonville USA
- Museum of Art & Design, Singapore
- Smoke And Mirrors, Museum of Contemporary Art, Jacksonville USA
- This Is Not A Love Song, Pera Museum, Istanbul
- 2014
- They Sicken Of The Calm Who Know The Storm Fridman Gallery, New York
- The Language of Human Conciousness Athr Gallery, Jeddah
- Rockaway MoMA PS1 / Honolulu Biennial, New York
- OnScreen Carroll / Fletcher, London
- 2013
- Aurora Dallas, AT&T Performing Arts Center, Dallas, USA
- Coming to Terms, Jackman Humanities Institute, Toronto, USA
- This Is Not A Love Song, Centre per la imatge. Palau de la Virreina, Barcelona, España
- Present tense: The Art of Memphis from 2011 – Now”, Memphis, USA
- LumenRay, Galería Jerome Zodo, Milano, Italia
- 2012
- Segment 3, Borusan Museo Contemporáneo, Istambul, Turkey
- Segment 2, Borusan Museo Contemporáneo, Istambul, Turkey
- Wien Art Fair, Wien, Austria
- Forwards / Vorwaerts, Q Contemporary, Beirut, Lebanon
- Dark Side of the Moon, Carbon 12, Dubai, UAE
- Art Dubai, Dubai, UAE
- The Bravery of Being Out Of Range II, Athr gallery, Jiddah, Baréin
- 2011
- The State: Social / Anti-Social, Traffic, Dubai, UAE
- West End?, Museum On The Seam, Jerusalem, Israel
- Art Futures, Arte Hong Kong, Hong Kong
- Space Louis Vuitton Hong Kong, Hong Kong
- Athr gallery, Jiddah, Barein
- I Don’t Need Your Money Honey All I Need is Love, Traffic, Dubai, UAE
- 2010
- Art Asia, Miami, USA
- THE STATE, Traffic, Dubai, UAE
- Armed, Abu Dhabi Art, Abu Dhabi, UAE
- SCOPE Basel, Basel, Switzerland
- 2009
- The Singular Suit, Somerset House, London, United Kingdom
- My Name is Robot, Thejamjar, Dubai, UAE
- 2008
- Cliche in a Box, Traffic, Dubai, UAE
- Chanel Mobile Art Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
- 2007
- Tiger Translate, New York, USA
- 2006
- Pop!Tech Lecture, Maine, USA
- Wired Next Fest, New York, USA
- 9th Japan Media Arts Festival, Photography Museum, Tokyo, Japan
- On-Site: New Architecture in Spain, MoMA, New York, USA
- 2005
- NHK Digital Art Festival, Tokyo, Japan
- WIRED NextFest, Chicago, USA
- 8th Japan Media Arts Festival, Photography Museum, Tokyo, Japan
- Milano Triennale, Milano, Italia
- 2004
- VIPER Basel, Basel, Switzerland
- Chelsea Art Museum, New York, USA
- 2003
- New Museum of Contemporary Arts, New York, USA
- New York Dance and Arts, New York, USA
- “Junichi and Friends”, New York, USA
- 2020
- Dynatrace Al Residency, Linz, Austria
- 2018
- Mana Contemporary, Jersey City, United States
- 2006
- FedEx Institute of Technology & Lantana Projects, Memphis, United States
- 2004
- Fabrica Research Facility, Benetton's Design research facility, Italy
- 2003
- Eyebeam Atelier, New York, USA
- 21C Museum Louisville, USA
- Yves Klein Foundation Paris, France
- Borusan Art Collection Istanbul, Turkey
- Hort's Collection New York, USA
- Joseph and Rachel Stojan Geneva, Switzerland
- G-Dragon Seoul, South Korea
- Ronald Winston Los Angeles, US
- Joe Jonas Los Angeles, US
- Alan Wurtzel Washington DC, US
- Sharifa Alsudairi Saudi Arabia
- Tanya Capriles Madrid, Spain
- Ernesto Ventos Barcelona, Spain
- Robert Bielecki NY, US
- Richard Massey NY, US
- Ellen Schweber NY, US
- The Farook Collection Dubai
- The Samawi Collection Dubai
- The Salsali Collection Dubai